Cornwall Daytime Curlers hold closing event

The annual Daytime Curlers closing event took place this week, with a big turnout of around 60 curlers, who all enjoyed two three-end curling games and a huge “scoff” of Chinese food, along with desserts, organized by Merrill Cronin, Bernie Field and others, door prizes, tulips for Cornwall Senior teams who won championships this year, a golf putting competition, and a 50X50 draw, won by Lance Lowther.

seniorsclosingPhoto: Chinese food

MC Ernie Stavert thanked everybody involved in another highly successful season of daytime curling, including Sterling Stratton and Don Graham, who did a lot of work getting the winners plaques by the door in order, and everyone who helped out with the Daytime curling this year. Among the initiatives funded with daily contributions for coffee and sweets this year was the sponsorship of some of the new rock handles. Ernie remarked that he’d been involved with the daytime curling for around 15 years, and was glad to see everyone step forward this year to give him a hand with organizing it.

A highlight of the event was the awarding of the Lorne MacPhail memorial award, named after a former member who passed away at the Club a number of years ago, after turning his life around and becoming an avid stick curler. The award, which has now been changed from an annual bonspiel to a “rookie of the year” award for new members who have contributed greatly to daytime curling, was presented to to Grant and Carolyn Crockett.

crockettsPhoto (L-R): Grant and Carolyn Crockett, Ernie Stavert

In closing, Ernie thanked everyone for attending, thanked the Club staff and volunteers, and invited daytime curlers to recruit new members for next season (the Club offers a 10% discount for doing this), to clean out their lockers, to sign up for the golf tournament and the closing spiel, and to keep active by participating in golf, lawn bowling and other summer events.

Post last modified: Mar 29, 2013 @ 8:11 am

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