Cornwall hosting 3rd annual Masters Plus spiel Nov. 19-20

The Cornwall Curling Club is getting ready to host its third Masters Plus Bonspiel on Thursday November 19th and Friday November 20th. A Masters Plus team has three players age 60 and over (“Masters”), and a fourth player age 55 or over 55 or over (“Plus”). This year there are 16 teams entered, representing 9 different curling clubs from all three Maritime provinces. Off-Island teams are from Antigonish NS, St. Andrews NB, Truro NS, CFB Halifax NS, Sackville NB, and Moncton NB. Draws are 8:30, 11:00, 1:30 and 4:00 each day. The Diane MacKay rink from the host Cornwall club won last year’s bonspiel and will be back to defend their title. Last year’s runners-up, the Ken Nichol team from Sackville NB, are back, too.


File photo: Diane MacKay

Curling fans are invited to come out and watch these very experienced curlers, a number of whom have won provincial championships, in action.

Team Skips

  1. Audrey Dorey
  2. Ray Biagé
  3. Monique Taylor
  4. Judy Burgess
  5. Bob Smith
  6. Shirley Berry
  7. Vince Fisher
  8. Barry Craswell
  9. Leona Williams
  10. Harry Williams
  11.  Ken Nichol
  12. Diane MacKay
  13. Gloria Clarke
  14. Ted MacFadyen
  15. David McIver
  16. Bill Lutes

Draw (Thursday – November 19th)                                                                                                                                                                                   

              Time                    Ice 1                    Ice 2                    Ice 3                    Ice 4

8:30                     1×2                      3×4                      5×6                      7×8

11:00                   9×10                    11×12                  13×14                  15×16

1:30                     4×5                      2×7                      1×8                      3×6

4:00                     12×13                  10×15                  9×16                    11×14


Draw (Friday –November 20th)

8:30                     10×12                  9×11                    13×15                  14×16

11:00                   2×4                      1×3                      6×8                      5×7

1:30                     9×13                    12×16                  10×14                  11×15

4:00                     1×5                      2×6                      3×7                      4×8


There will be practice before the 8:30 and 11:00 games on Thursday only. Practice times are 8:10, 8:20, 10:40, and 10:50. If time permits each player will throw 2 rocks down and 2 rocks back. The hammer is determined by toss of a coin. Rock colors are assigned.



Post last modified: Nov 12, 2015 @ 9:34 pm


Cornwall hosting 3rd annual Masters Plus spiel Nov. 19-20 — 1 Comment