Cornwall juniors hit the ice for warmup event

Curl PEI’s Saturday morning warmup spiels are a great way for Junior teams to get in practice for their upcoming provincials and other events. Two Cornwall teams, skipped by Mitchell and Devin Schut, were on the ice on Saturday at Crapaud for the first event. The next one is at Montague this coming Saturday, and the first one at Cornwall is on Dec. 13.

mitchellschutteaminauguralgameTeam Mitchell Schut in their inaugural match (they lost on the last rock, but won their second game by a big score)

At the moment, there are only a few teams registered for the event at Montague – more are needed, and it’s not too late to signup! They’re only $40 per team for the morning, and give you two six-end games.

Here’s the remaining schedule:

–  December 6 – Montague
–  December 13 – Cornwall
–  January 31 – open
–  February 7 – open
–  February 14 – Cornwall
–  February 21 – Cornwall

To enter any of these events, use the following form You can pay in advance or on the day of the event.


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