The Provincial Under 16 Curling Championships concluded this afternoon at the Maple Leaf Curling Club in O’Leary, with the Donald DeWolfe rink from Cornwall winning the boy’s title, and the Maria Doyle team from the Silver Fox Curling and Yacht Club in Summerside taking the girl’s.

Coach Lori Robinson, from left, lead Nick Johnston, second Logan Maker, mate Jacob Wilkins and skip Donald DeWolfe, accept the Curl P.E.I. Boys 16 and Under championship trophies from P.E.I. Curling Association director Rod MacDonald.
Photo courtesy Eric McCarthy/Journal Pioneer
Rod MacDonald, right, representing the P.E.I. Curling Associantion, congratulates the Maria Doyle rink from the Silver Fox on winning the 2015 Girls 16 and Under provincial curling championship. Team members are, from left, coach Don Vickerson, who received the coaching award; Maria Doyle, Maddison Moore, Gabrielle Gallant and Abbie MacDonald.
Photo courtesy Eric McCarthy/Journal Pioneer
The awards for Fair Play (Sportsmanship), as voted on by all the players in the event, were handed out before the final game, while the coaching award, as voted on by all the coaches, was handed out after. Rod MacDonald from Curl PEI presented the awards.
There was a repeat winner for the boy’s Fair Play award, with Cornwall skip Mitchell Schut taking the award for the second year in a row.
The girl’s Fair Play award went to another Cornwall skip, Kristie Rogers