Cornwall’s Bill Hope team loses Canadian Masters Bronze Medal game in extra end. The Iceman takes men’s gold, Sask. wins women’s

The Canadian Masters Curling Championships, for age 60+, wrapped up today in Guelph.

Cornwall’s Bill Hope rink lost a close men’s bronze medal game, 6-5 in an extra end to Saskatchewan. The Sask. skip had to draw the button to pull out the win. Alberta beat PEI 6-2 in the semi-finals to advance to the championship match, “The Iceman”, Al Hackner from Northern Ontario, achieved his goal of winning Canadian championships at the men’s, senior men’s and master’s levels, with a 7-5 win over Alberta in the men’s gold medal game. Hackner doubled Saskatchewan 6-3 in the semis.

In the women’s semis, Ontario scored three in the last end to beat BC 8-6, while Saskatchewan dominated Manitoba, winning  9-3 in six ends. The gold medal game again saw Saskatchewan dominate, downing Ontario 11-1, also in six ends, following a first end double with two stolen triples and a single to lead 9-0 after four ends. BC beat Manitoba 8-5 in the Bronze medal game. Cornwall’s Sandy Hope team finished fifth, just out of the medal round, with a 6-3 win-loss record.

Post last modified: Apr 9, 2017 @ 6:57 pm

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