Cornwall’s Lenentine 1-1, DeWolfe 0-2 after Cdn. U18 opening day. DeWolfe sched. to be on live stream this morn

The Canadian Under 18 Boy’s and Girl’s Curling Championships got underway on Tuesday in Moncton.

PEI’s Lauren Lenentine girl’s rink are 1-1 after a 6-3 loss to BC and a 5-3 win against Quebec. They’re back on the ice Wednesday evening at 6 vs NS. BC, NB, Northern Ont. and Manitoba lead the girl’s pools with 2-0 records.

The Donald DeWolfe boy’s team didn’t have a great opening day, dropping lopsided decisions to Manitoba and Nova Scotia. They play Saskatchewan this morning at 10, and Northern Ontario at 6. Nova Scotia, Ontario, and BC are 2-0 on the boy’s side. Their game against Sask. this morning on Sheet B is scheduled to be on the Bell Aliant tv1 live stream at

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Post last modified: Apr 19, 2017 @ 7:18 am

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