Curling Day in Canada Part 3

Curling Day in Canada – Part 3

Let’s skip forward now to 2022….
We are willing to bet that our club founders from forty years ago could never imagine the challenges that the last two years has brought.

A time of tremendous public health crisis.

There are so so many people, so many volunteers, so many community partners, that have put their heart and soul …and time … into keeping our club going during these very difficult times. And we will celebrate many throughout the day…!

However, we must take a moment on this Curling Day in Canada to extend our deepest sense of gratitude to Cornwall Curling Club “Return to Play” Chair and all around stoic club volunteer, Mr. Peter Murdoch .

Peter has spent hours reviewing pages of information and best practices that could help get us on the ice and in the club house during this worldwide pandemic. He has fielded phone calls and complaints, and sat in on countless meetings. He has sat with the Club Manager and communicated with the RTP committee for many hours over these two full years now…. Every time a new announcement came forward from our Chief Public Health Office. Every time the phone rang or an email came in relating to public health concern…

Sometimes an email response as simple as a thumbs up. Sometimes a subject warrented a phone call. Peter was available and set into action.

Peter has been driven by nothing more that this community of curlers.
Of trying to find a way to #keepcurling safely , as he knows , that at heart…. we need this sport. We need each other.

Peter has given all his time for the RTP Committee, all while being the first to volunteer in other ways. He is a former Board Member and served as Vice President, Chaired our Curling Development program and volunteered at many “Learn To Curl” initiatives and programs. He also has helped with our ice maintenance over these few years, and done every thing from move tables to shovel a sidewalk.

Peter did this while his lovely curling partner and love of his life could not take that drive to the club these past two years.

So on this day of celebrating… let us not forget the many people who have worked tirelessly to make sure we could continue to pull up into the parking lot of 29 Cornwall Road …

And let us cross brooms for someone who has been instrumental during these times of constant “Return to Play” planning and implementation!

Peter may be a little newer to this curling community on this beautiful Island … but his actions would say he would have fit in well forty year ago , by way of passion and dedication!

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