Curling sponsor Everest offering free pizza lunch in exchange for attending a short presentation

Cornwall curlers are invited to attend a free pizza lunch sponsored by Gail MacDonald, your Island rep for Everest, the first nationwide funeral planning and concierge service.
Everest became the title sponsor of the Canadian Senior Curling Championships beginning in 2015, the start of a three-year agreement. Along with curling Hall-of-Famer Randy Ferbey, Everest also sponsors the Everest-Ferbey National Pro Am, an event dedicated to promoting and inspiring senior curling for men and women of all skill levels.
The lunch takes place place Thursday, January 14th at noon (after drop-in curling) at the Club. There will be a short (15-20 min.) presentation, and a chance to ask questions.
Please sign up at the club (on main bulletin board) by Wed Jan 13th if interested.
The Everest-Ferbey National Pro Am event will take place on April 2nd at 12 p.m. at the Digby
Curling Centre in Digby, Nova Scotia during the 2016 Everest Canadian Senior Championships.
For more info on Everest, visit
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