Debby Sigsworth wins free membership, George Younker wins draw to button

Tickets were sold on Saturday for a reverse draw for a free one-draw membership, with Debby Sigsworth’s name being drawn last. She was curling and did not see the draw, so Bob Fowler, who had been the subject of some teasing by Debby earlier in the day, took the opportunity to have some fun when he made the announcement a little later (saying he had rigged the draw so her name came up). To say the least, she was very surprised!

debbybobA draw to the button contest was held as well, with members buying chances to participate. George Younker was the clear winner in this event, hitting the button with his shot. No sweeping was allowed in this event.


Photo: George Younker, with organizer Carlene Peters

Photos by Lisa MacEachern








Post last modified: Apr 3, 2016 @ 3:05 pm

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