This is a single-entry mixed league that is open to all club members.
You sign up for the entire season, and the drawmaster will place you with a team.
NOTE: New curlers are especially welcome in this league, but we also welcome (and have as a part of this league) experienced curlers looking for a fun, recreational curling.
Curling times will alternate between 6:30pm and8:30 pm throughout the season: some weeks your team will play at 6:30pm and some weeks at 8:30pm.
The drawmaster will try to balance the teams based on player’s positions and abilities as much as possible.
There will be three round-robin draws played throughout the year (there may be a possibility of a bye where you have a week off, if there is an uneven number of teams or an extra team). You will be placed on a different team each round robin. This provides a great opportunity to get to know other members and have some fun! At the end of each round prizes are provided and are presented to the winning team.
2024-2025 Season
Here are the teams and draws for the third round of the Thursday Mixed League.
Here are the teams and draws for the second round of the Thursday Mixed League.

Team Ross: Tom O’Rourke, Sharon McGuigan, David Ross, and Shawny Ross