Final Reminder: AGM tonight (Monday)

This is a reminder that the Cornwall Curling Club’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place tonight – Monday May 25 2015 at 7 pm at the Club, preceded by a half-hour social at 6:30 pm. All Club members are urged to attend, and the bar will be open.The debit and credit machine WILL be operating.

Here are the draft minutes from last year’s AGM, for approval at this year’s meeting

Please red them in advance of the meeting if you are planning to attend.

Here is the draft meeting agenda:

Call to Order

Approval of agenda

  1. Review and Approval of Minutes from 2014 Annual General Meeting
  2. Business Arising from the Minutes
  3. Receipt of reports from committees
  • Financial: Edgar Coffin
  • Membership and Draws: Paula Ling
  • Bonspiels and Socials: Krista Affleck and Carlene Peters
  • Facilities: Jeff Taylor
  • Publicity and By Laws: Derek MacEwen
  • Fundraising and Volunteers: Joe MacKinnon and Leonard Gotell
  • Juniors: Brent Irving
  • Seniors and Daytime Curlers: Lew Black
  • President’s Report
  • Nominating: Paul Neima
  1. Election of New Board Members
  2. Other Business and Open Discussion
  3. Adjournment


Post last modified: May 25, 2015 @ 10:53 am

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