Free on-ice introduction to curling for high school students, here at the Cornwall Curling Club

Give curling a shot, PEI!
Free on-ice introduction to curling for high school students.
Saturday, December 18, 2021 from 3:30-4:30 pm here at the Cornwall Curling Club (29 Cornwall Road, Cornwall PEI, lower level, entrance by the playground).

A few things to bring with you on the day of the event:

  1. A clean pair of running shoes to wear on the ice (outdoor footwear will not be allowed).
  2. A warm sweater or light jacket plus gloves or mitts.
  3. A helmet is encouraged as you will be on ice and falls can happen, protect your head.

Please note, current public health restrictions and guidelines will be followed.

Note: Curl PEI will be also be hosting a 10-week High School Learn to Curl program starting in January — more information to come.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Amy Duncan at Curl PEI ( or 902-368-4208)

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