Friday Fun League Draw for the rest of the season. Note: only ONE draw, at special 9 pm time, this week

Here is the Friday evening FUN league draw for the remainder of the season.

 Please note that there is no early draw this Friday Feb. 18 — just one late draw at the special time of 9:00 pm this week only.
The draws then return to the regular times every week until the end of the season…
Early draw…6:30 and late draw 8:15. 
18-Feb 9:00            
Ice 1 Phillip McInnis vs Ryan Roggeveen      
Ice 2 Jenine Bodner vs Tyler Harris        
Ice 3 Cody Whynott vs Ken Harrott        
Ice 4 Shelley Ebbett vs Aleya Quilty        
Ice 1 Andrew Robinson vs Aleya Quilty Ken Harrott vs Shelley Ebbett
Ice 2 Susan Dowling Shaw vs Matej Hanzl Phillip McInnis vs Jody Sanderson
Ice 3 Sharon McGuigan vs Amy Duncan Cody Whynot vs Shawn Martin
Ice 4 Ryan Roggeveen vs Jenine Bodner Tyler Harris  bye  
Ice 1 Tyler Harris vs Jody Sanderson   Amy Duncan vs Aleya Quilty
Ice 2  Shawn Martin vs Ken Harrott   Matej Hanzel vs Jenine Bodner
Ice 3 Phillip McInnis vs Cody Whynott Andrew Robinson vs Ryan Roggeveen
Ice 4 Sharon McGuigan vs Shelley Ebbett Susan Dowling Shaw bye
Ice 1 Susan Dowling Shaw vs Andrew Robinson Shawn Martin vs Jody Sanderson
Ice 2 Aleya Quilty vs Jenine Bodner   Cody Whynott vs Shelley Ebbett
Ice 3 Amy Duncan vs Ryan Rogeeveen Ken Harrott vs Phillip McInnis
Ice 4 Matej Hanzel vs Tyler Harris   Sharon McGuigan  bye
Ice 1 Cody Whynott vs Aleya Quilty   Susan Dowling Shaw vs Jenine Bodner
Ice 2 Sharon McGuigan vs Shawn Martin Amy Duncan vs Tyler Harris
Ice 3 Ken Harrott vs Andrew Robinson Matej Hanzel vs Ryan Roggveen
Ice 4 Jody Sanderson vs Shelley Ebbett Phillip McInnis bye  
Ice 1 Phillip McInnis vs Susan Dowling Shaw Sharon McGuigan vs Alyea Quilty
Ice 2 Shawn Martin vs Tyler Harris   Andrew Robinson vs Jody Sanderson
Ice 3 Amy Duncan vs Ken Harrott   Ryan Roggeveen vs Shelly Ebbett
Ice 4 Matej Hanzel vs Jenine Bodner   Cody Whynott  Bye  
Ice 1 Cody Whynott vs Ryan Rogeveen Phillip McInnis vs Jenine Bodner
Ice 2 Shelley Ebbett vs Tyler Harris   Shawn Martin vs Matej Hanzel
Ice 3 Sharon McGuigan vs Susan Dowling Shaw Amy Duncan vs Andrew Robinson
Ice 4 Aleya Quilty vs Jody Sanderson   Ken Harrett bye  
Ice 1 Shawn Martin vs Ken Harrott   Aleya Quilty vs Ryan Rogeveen
Ice 2 Matej Hanzel vs Andrew Robinson Shelly Ebbett vs Susan Dowling Shaw
Ice 3 Phillip McInnis vs Amy Duncan   Tyler Harris vs Sharon McGuigan
Ice 4 Jenine Bodner vs Cody Whynott Jody Sanderson bye  
Ice 1 Sharon McGuigan vs Shelley Ebbett Ken Harrot vs Jenine Bodner
Ice 2 Tyler Harris vs Andrew Robinson Phillip McInnis vs Shawn Martin
Ice 3 Ryan Roggeveen vs Jody Sanderson Amy Duncan vs Matej Hanzel
Ice 4 Susan Dowling Shaw vs Cody Whynott Aleya Quilty bye  
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