The weather could only be described as “variable”, with everything from sunshine, to rain, to north winds, to dark clouds, and even a little sleet, but the rain mostly held off and, although it was quite cold for the first day of summer, the Cornwall Curling Club’s annual golf tourney at Countryview Golf Club went off without a hitch.
The big hit of the day was Countryview’s beautiful new clubhouse (we’ll see more of it later):
We got our scorecards and event rules (9 hole scramble, with special rule on number 9 – use 9 irons only until green) and headed out onto the course.
Here’s Jim Orr hitting a long drive, straight as an arrow down the fairway (sure looks like a contender for the men’s long drive prize!):
On the way by, we took a peek at the new powercart garage, put up this week (there’s a couple more big doors, not in the picture)
After we completed our nine holes, everyone headed back to the clubhouse for a drink or two, and a burger and sausage on a bun.
Most stayed inside, but a few hardy soles braved the outdoor deck.
Everyone listened intently as Bob Fowler and Rick Doiron got ready to announce the winners. Bob started out by thanking everyone for attending, Countryview for hosting, and the many sponsors for donating prizes, including: Countyview Golf , Clyde River Golf, Rustico Resort Golf, Prebilt Steel, Traction Heavy Duty Parts, Island Storm basketball team, Kenmac Energy, Eastern Auto Supply, KFC, the Cornwall Curling Club, and YoungCo Manufacturing.
By the way, the new clubhouse is nice and bright, but the sun came out at the wrong time, so the pictures of the winners have too much light in places.
The men’s Closest to the Pin winner was Paul Durant:
The men’s Long Drive honours did, as predicted, go to Jim Orr:
The women’s Long Drive prize went to Krista Affleck:
As was the case last year, no female player was able to hit the green for the Closest to the Pin contest, so a draw was made, with Tracy MacDonald taking home the prize.
The prize for most “Honest” golfers went to the team of Tom Dunn, Val MacLean, and Lee Nickerson, who had a quite respectable score of 40.
Finally it was time to announce the winning team, who had a score of 33, four strokes ahead of the second place team (Len Gotell). The winners were the three person team of Gordon Peters, Dan Hughes, and Karen Fisher.
Photo (L-R): Dan Hughes Karen Fisher, Gordon Peters
The day wrapped up with drawing for the remaining prizes on the prize table. As usual, very few went home empty-handed.
Thanks to all the organizers, sponsors, Countryview management and staff, and participants for another great event.
On the way out, I snapped a few pictures of the decks and the amazing locker room downstairs, which features huge 32″ lockers, and an automatically opening door to get your stuff outside, and a card access entry with 24/7 access to get your gear and pullcart back in (BTW, Danny Young and YoungCo made the fancy fasteners on the locker doors).
If you missed the tourney and would like to take a look at Countryview’s new digs, they’re having an open house, in honour of 15 years of business, on Wednesday June 25th from 6 – 9 pm, with free munchies, live entertainment, and special drink and green fee prices!