Junior Development League – Revised Dates

The Cornwall Curling Club plans to to hold the Saturday morning U16 junior development league again this season. This league is open to curlers from all clubs, and is intended for curlers aged 11-15. Consideration may be given to curlers outside of this age. Dates have now been revised, due to date conflicts with other junior events.

The target is 32 curlers (eight teams) who have had previous curling instruction. It may be possible to accommodate one or two additional teams if there is interest.  If there are more teams than can be accommodated priority will be given to returning teams with at least three previous members. To register, contact Bev McCormick at the club (902)-566-4427.
Rules (same as last year):

1. Round Robin format

2. 6 end games

3.  Score will be tabulated as follows:  5 points for a win.  2.5 each for a tie.  2 points for each end won.  Points for the difference in score up to a maximum of 5.
4. Coaches / Chaperones can go out to the ice when they see an opportunity to teach their team. The spirit of the rule is to allow the coaches to help their teams think about different possibilities and learn, not just call the shots for the team.  Other reasons may include helping their teams with etiquette, speeding up play or perhaps interpreting the rules.
Entry fee is $35.00 + HST per person for seven weeks.  A $15.00 per person Curl PEI fee will also be collected if you have not paid this fee for this season at any club.
Games will begin at 09:30 Saturday morning and be six ends.
The revised dates scheduled for the league are: Oct 22, Nov 12, Dec 3, Dec 17, Jan 7, Jan 21, Jan 28.
Other possible dates at this time are Feb. 4 and Mar. 18.  These may be needed due to weather or rentals or if more than eight teams are interested.
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