Kenmac Energy Funspiel – Opening Draw, Full Sched., rules

Here are the opening draws on Friday January 19 for  the Kenmac Energy Funspiel, here at the Cornwall Curling Club, with a full draw of 24 teams. The full schedule, including Saturday, follows.


Ice 1

P Durant, M Stewart, E Murphy, J Durant  vs  G Clarke, E Stavert, R Stavert, A Clarke

Ice 2

G Groves, H Pierce, D Weeks, K Monaghan  vs  B Sutherland, E Reid, G O’Sullivan, D O’Hanley

Ice 3

B Craswell, M Craswell, J Gill, A MacKinnon  vs  B Fowler, C Peters, A Acorn, P McCardle

Ice 4

 R Piercey, P Piercy, G Piercey, M Piercey  vs  K Blanchard, C Sweetapple, V Fisher, K Fisher


7:00 PM

Ice 1

L Davies, A Davies, D MacEachern, L MacEachern  vs  G Matthews, K Handren, C Nicholson, D MacKinnon 

Ice 2

D Kneabone, J Scales, D Bernard, D Kneabone  vs  H Wicki, K Younker, W Deaken, A VanDenNieuwelaar

Ice 3

D Gallant, K Watts, P Ling, R Gallant vs  H Kamphius, D Sigsworth, G Peters, P MacInnis

Ice 4

K Nicholson, R Neumeyer, J Sinclair, D Farrell  vs  C Dawson, A  Casey, J. MacAulay,TBA


8:30 PM

Ice 1

R Biagé, M Beck, B Duncan-Biagé, J Hannam  vs   G Robertson, L Arsenault, L Matthews, J Arsenault

Ice 2

J Taylor, M Sanderson, G Younker, A MacIntosh vs  P Neima, H Diamond, J Callaghan, A Mason

Ice 3

G Cudmore, S Campbell, M MacDonald, C MacDougall   vs   P Murdoch, J Murdoch, D Mustow, L Gallant

Ice 4

T Dunn, L Kelly, F Weiler, D Kelly  vs J MacKinnon, L Fairhurst, J MacPhail, L Cudmore

Here is the full curling schedule and rosters with team numbers for both days

  Ice 1 Ice 2 Ice 3 Ice 4
FRI 5:30 5-11 1-17 4-14 12-24
FRI 7:00 7-15 9-21 2-23 6-16
FRI 8:30 8-20 3-13 10-22 18-19
SAT 8:30 4-21 11-23 5-15 9-17
SAT 10:00 10-18 12-14 1-7 2-8
SAT 11:30 16-20 6-19 13-24 3-22
SAT 12:00 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
SAT 1:00 Lunch (11:30 curlers)

 &   Ice maintenance 

Lunch (11:30 curlers)

 &   Ice maintenance 

Lunch (11:30 curlers)

 &   Ice maintenance 

Lunch (11:30 curlers)

 &   Ice maintenance 

SAT 1:30 1-23 17-18 2-21 4-10
SAT 3:00 15-22 8-16 6-12 7-19
SAT 4:30 14-24 5-20 3-9 11-13
Sat 6:30 Supper Supper Supper Supper


Kenmac Energy 2018
#1 Greg Groves

Heather Pierce

Donald Weeks

Ken Monaghan

#7 Lorianne Davies

Angus Davies

Dean MacEachern

Lisa MacEachern

#2 Derek Gallant

Kelly Watts

Paula Ling

Rob Gallant

#8 Ray Biagé

Melody Beck

Barb Duncan-Biagé

Jeff Hannam

#3 Jeff Taylor

Myrna Sanderson

George Younker

Amanda MacIntosh

#9 Danny Kneabone

Julie Scales

Danny Bernard

Darlene Kneabone

#4 Barry Craswell

Myrna Craswell

Joe Gill

Archie MacKinnon

#10 Garth Cudmore

Sharon Campbell

Mark MacDonald

Chris MacDougall

#5 Paul Durant

Marg Stewart

Eugene Murphy

Joanne Durant

#11 Gloria Clarke

Ernie Stavert

Ruth Stavert

Adrian Clarke

#6 Kim Nicholson

Rick Neumeyer

Jean Sinclair

Deanna Farrell

#12 Ryan Piercey

Patsy Piercy

George Piercey

Mallory Piercey



Kenmac Energy 2018
#13 Paul Neima

Heather Diamond

Joe Callaghan

Alan Mason

#19 Joe MacKinnon

Linda Fairhurst

Jessie MacPhail

Leonard Cudmore

#14 Bob Fowler

Carlene Peters

Alan Acorn

Pat McCardle

#20 Greg Robertson

Laura Arsenault

Linda Matthews

Jeff Arsenault

#15 Gordon Matthews

Kathy Handren

Cindy Nicholson

Darren MacKinnon

#21 Hans Wicki

Kellie-Lynn Younker

Wade Deaken

Anne VanDenNieuwelaar

#16 Cody Dawson

Anita  Casey

Jeremy MacAulay


#22 Peter Murdoch

Janice Murdoch

Donna Mustow

Lacey Gallant

#17 Brian Sutherland

Etta Reid

Gary O’Sullivan

David O’Hanley

#23 Hank Kamphuis

Debby Sigsworth

Gord Peters

Pat MacInnis

#18 Tom Dunn

Laurie Kelly

Frank Weiler

Doug Kelly

#24 Kimball Blanchard

Carol Sweetapple

Vince Fisher

Karen Fisher


Kenmac Spiel Rules

Scoring:       5 POINTS FOR A WIN (0 for a loss) plus

                      1 POINT PER END (0 for blank end) plus

                      Score differential (max 5 points)


Ties must be broken by Skips draw to the button (with sweepers)


Cumulative totals for all 3 games will be used to determine winners


Scores will be recorded but only used in the event of a tie in points (sum of 3 game scores for each team)



Post last modified: Jan 18, 2018 @ 5:12 pm

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