Locker Reminder for Masters Plus

On behalf of the committee of the ‘7th Annual Masters Plus Bonspiel’ taking place on November 21st and 22nd here at the Club, we would like to thank those who offered their locker to our guests from out of town to use while they participate in this fantastic bonspiel.
Your generosity is appreciated!
With that said, just a gentle reminder~ we ask that you have your lock off your locker and your equipment and personal items removed by:
10:30pm Wednesday, November 20th 2019 so the curlers will be able to access them freely Thursday morning.
As a thank you, we are very happy to enter your name for the year-long “Locker Lottery” ~ where all those who donate their lockers for events throughout the year will have their name entered to WIN their locker rental in 2020-21!!
Thank you again for your club spirit and kindness…
Post last modified: Nov 18, 2019 @ 3:50 pm

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