Looking for 3 or 4 more curlers for Sat. morning U16 league

We’ve got seven teams and 1 extra player for our Saturday morning Under 16 developmental team league, which begins this Saturday, Oct. 31, at 9:30am. We can put the player on a spares list, but seven teams means we have a bye, which we would like to eliminate, so we would like either three more single entries or an entire team (or 3/4 of a team!).  This league is open to players from all PEI clubs.


For curlers with some curling experience/instruction, age 11-15 years.

Entry fee is $35 +HST per player for seven weeks (A $15 Curl PEI fee will also be collected if not previously paid).

U13 opening draw (3)

Games are six ends and will commence at 9:30 am. The league will operate for two seven week periods on Saturday mornings. Some Saturdays will not be available because of other Club activities.

To register or for more info, please contact Bev McCormick at (902) 566-4427 or info@cornwallcurling.com

U13 opening draw (2)

Post last modified: Oct 27, 2015 @ 1:15 pm

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