Looking for 5 more teams for Sunday Doubles League (we have 11). New draw times (3 and 4:30) this year

Our Sunday Doubles League is looking like great FUN again this year with some terrific teams!!!
Eleven two-player teams have signed up so far, and we are looking for 5 more duos! Sign up here:
Prepare for lots of rocks in play in the fun sport of doubles curling! Photo from the PEI Mixed Doubles Championship last year at our Club.

Please note that this is a general Doubles league, not just a Mixed Doubles league (like the Olympics), so you can sign up a mixed team, or two male or two female players. If you don’t have a teammate we can help match others in the same situation. Stick curlers may participate too (there are many similarities between two-person per team stick curling and doubles curling)!

Note also that there are NEW draw times this year! The first draw will be at 3 pm, and the second draw will be at 4:30 pm. Start your slow cooker before you leave for the Club and you’ll be home in time for supper (and/or stay after for a “sociable”)!
Post last modified: Oct 15, 2021 @ 3:28 pm

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