MacWilliams, Peters win Ladder League round two – final draw set

Orange stick man climbing on ladder

Round two of the Wednesday evening Ladder League, sponsored by Donnie Lowther Snow Removal, wrapped up last week, with the Bob MacWilliams rink winning the A pool with only one loss, and the Gordon Peters foursome taking the B section, also with a single loss. There will be a new A winner in the last round, as Bob’s team is bowing out, because several members of his team are off to warmer climes (Bob isn’t though- he’s available to spare). We’ll be having seven teams (meaning one bye) in the A pool for the final round, which runs March 6, 13, 20, 27, and April 3rd, and six teams in the B pool, so there’ll be one free sheet each draw time. If the weather holds, the B pool will play their whole round robin, while the A pool will be a couple of weeks short of a full round.

The teams moving down to the B pool are the Paul Durant team with two wins, and the Ray Biagé team, who didn’t pick up ANY wins in the round (we thought we might have a chance against Paul in the last game, but Bob Fowler’s awesome sweeping ability kept us on the losing side!). Two of the three teams who dropped down to the B last round, skipped by Peters, and by Rick Doiron, will move back up to A for the final round, along with the Lew Black team, who was tied in games won with the other “fallen” A team, skipped by David Younker, but beat Younker in their round robin encounter.

Here are pools for the final round, sponsored by Clyde River Golf Links:

Pool A:

A1-Paul Neima
A2-Mark MacDonald (lost to Neima in their game)
A3-Greg Groves
A4-Karen Currie (lost to Groves in their game)
A5-Gord Peters
A6-Rick Doiron
A7-Lew Black

Pool B:

B1-Paul Durant
B2-Ray Biagé
B3-David Younker
B4-Kelly Watts
B5-Leigh Farrar
B6-Mathieu Boudreau

Here are the draws for the final round:
March 6 Draw One
6:30 pm A Pool
Ice 2: A1-Paul Neima vs A4-Karen Currie
Ice 3: A2-Mark MacDonald vs A3-Greg Groves
Ice 4: A5-Gord Peters vs A7-Lew Black
Bye: A6-Rick Doiron

8:30 pm B Pool
Ice 2: B6-Mathieu Boudreau vs B1-Paul Durant
Ice 3: B4-Kelly Watts vs B3-David Younker
Ice 4: B5-Leigh Farrar vs B2-Ray Biagé

March 13 Draw Two
6:30 pm B Pool
Ice 1: B3-David Younker vs B5-Leigh Farrar
Ice 3: B1-Paul Durant vs B2-Ray Biagé
Ice 4: B4-Kelly Watts vs B6-Mathieu Boudreau

8:30 pm A pool
Ice 1: A7-Lew Black vs A4-Karen Currie
Ice 3: A6-Rick Doiron vs A5-Gord Peters
Ice 4: A3-Greg Groves vs A1-Paul Neima
Bye: A2-Mark MacDonald

March 20 Draw Three
6:30 pm A Pool
Ice 2: A3-Greg Groves vs A7-Lew Black
Ice 3: A1-Paul Neima vs A2-Mark MacDonald
Ice 4: A4-Karen Currie vs A6-Rick Doiron
Bye A5-Gord Peters

8:30 pm B pool
Ice 2: B6-Mathieu Boudreau vs B2-Ray Biagé
Ice 3: B5-Leigh Farrar vs B4-Kelly Watts
Ice 4: B3-David Younker vs B1-Paul Durant

March 27 Draw Four
6:30 pm B Pool
Ice 1: B1-Paul Durant vs B4-Kelly Watts
Ice 2: B2-Ray Biagé vs B3-David Younker
Ice 3: B5-Leigh Farrar vs B6-Mathieu Boudreau

8:30 pm A Pool
Ice 1: A4-Karen Currie vs A2-Mark MacDonald
Ice 2: A7-Lew Black vs A6-Rick Doiron
Ice 3: A5-Gord Peters vs A1-Paul Neima
Bye:  A3-Greg Groves

April 3 Draw Five
6:30 pm A pool
Ice 1: A1-Paul Neima vs A6-Rick Doiron
Ice 2: A3-Greg Groves vs A4-Karen Currie
Ice 4: A2-Mark MacDonald vs A5-Gord Peters
Bye: A7-Lew Black

8:30 pm B pool
Ice 1: B5-Leigh Farrar vs B1-Paul Durant
Ice 2: B6-Mathieu Boudreau vs B3-David Younker
Ice 4: B4-Kelly Watts vs B2-Ray Biagé

Spare list:

Bob MacWilliams 675-2992
Donna Butler 964-3376 393-6290 (cell)
Trent Desroches 314-8224
Morgan Kirkham 393-4885
Bob Murphy 675-4411, 393-3783
Shelley Murphy 675-4411
Joe Callaghan 940-6904


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