Round two of the Wednesday evening Ladder League, sponsored by Donnie Lowther Snow Removal, wrapped up last week, with the Bob MacWilliams rink winning the A pool with only one loss, and the Gordon Peters foursome taking the B section, also with a single loss. There will be a new A winner in the last round, as Bob’s team is bowing out, because several members of his team are off to warmer climes (Bob isn’t though- he’s available to spare). We’ll be having seven teams (meaning one bye) in the A pool for the final round, which runs March 6, 13, 20, 27, and April 3rd, and six teams in the B pool, so there’ll be one free sheet each draw time. If the weather holds, the B pool will play their whole round robin, while the A pool will be a couple of weeks short of a full round.
The teams moving down to the B pool are the Paul Durant team with two wins, and the Ray Biagé team, who didn’t pick up ANY wins in the round (we thought we might have a chance against Paul in the last game, but Bob Fowler’s awesome sweeping ability kept us on the losing side!). Two of the three teams who dropped down to the B last round, skipped by Peters, and by Rick Doiron, will move back up to A for the final round, along with the Lew Black team, who was tied in games won with the other “fallen” A team, skipped by David Younker, but beat Younker in their round robin encounter.
Here are pools for the final round, sponsored by Clyde River Golf Links:
Pool A:
A1-Paul Neima
A2-Mark MacDonald (lost to Neima in their game)
A3-Greg Groves
A4-Karen Currie (lost to Groves in their game)
A5-Gord Peters
A6-Rick Doiron
A7-Lew Black
Pool B:
B1-Paul Durant
B2-Ray Biagé
B3-David Younker
B4-Kelly Watts
B5-Leigh Farrar
B6-Mathieu Boudreau
Here are the draws for the final round:
March 6 Draw One
6:30 pm A Pool
Ice 2: A1-Paul Neima vs A4-Karen Currie
Ice 3: A2-Mark MacDonald vs A3-Greg Groves
Ice 4: A5-Gord Peters vs A7-Lew Black
Bye: A6-Rick Doiron
8:30 pm B Pool
Ice 2: B6-Mathieu Boudreau vs B1-Paul Durant
Ice 3: B4-Kelly Watts vs B3-David Younker
Ice 4: B5-Leigh Farrar vs B2-Ray Biagé
March 13 Draw Two
6:30 pm B Pool
Ice 1: B3-David Younker vs B5-Leigh Farrar
Ice 3: B1-Paul Durant vs B2-Ray Biagé
Ice 4: B4-Kelly Watts vs B6-Mathieu Boudreau
8:30 pm A pool
Ice 1: A7-Lew Black vs A4-Karen Currie
Ice 3: A6-Rick Doiron vs A5-Gord Peters
Ice 4: A3-Greg Groves vs A1-Paul Neima
Bye: A2-Mark MacDonald
March 20 Draw Three
6:30 pm A Pool
Ice 2: A3-Greg Groves vs A7-Lew Black
Ice 3: A1-Paul Neima vs A2-Mark MacDonald
Ice 4: A4-Karen Currie vs A6-Rick Doiron
Bye A5-Gord Peters
8:30 pm B pool
Ice 2: B6-Mathieu Boudreau vs B2-Ray Biagé
Ice 3: B5-Leigh Farrar vs B4-Kelly Watts
Ice 4: B3-David Younker vs B1-Paul Durant
March 27 Draw Four
6:30 pm B Pool
Ice 1: B1-Paul Durant vs B4-Kelly Watts
Ice 2: B2-Ray Biagé vs B3-David Younker
Ice 3: B5-Leigh Farrar vs B6-Mathieu Boudreau
8:30 pm A Pool
Ice 1: A4-Karen Currie vs A2-Mark MacDonald
Ice 2: A7-Lew Black vs A6-Rick Doiron
Ice 3: A5-Gord Peters vs A1-Paul Neima
Bye: A3-Greg Groves
April 3 Draw Five
6:30 pm A pool
Ice 1: A1-Paul Neima vs A6-Rick Doiron
Ice 2: A3-Greg Groves vs A4-Karen Currie
Ice 4: A2-Mark MacDonald vs A5-Gord Peters
Bye: A7-Lew Black
8:30 pm B pool
Ice 1: B5-Leigh Farrar vs B1-Paul Durant
Ice 2: B6-Mathieu Boudreau vs B3-David Younker
Ice 4: B4-Kelly Watts vs B2-Ray Biagé
Spare list:
Bob MacWilliams 675-2992
Donna Butler 964-3376 393-6290 (cell)
Trent Desroches 314-8224
Morgan Kirkham 393-4885
Bob Murphy 675-4411, 393-3783
Shelley Murphy 675-4411
Joe Callaghan 940-6904