The Cornwall Curling Club’s Mixed Doubles spiel was held on Saturday, with the following results:
Winners of Pool A – Angus Kennedy and Myrna Sanderson
Winners of Pool B – Barry Craswell and Myrna Craswell
Winners of Pool C – Brent Irving and Angela Sanderson
Winners of Pool D – Bob MacWilliams and Carlene Peters
Don’t forget the Provincial Mixed Doubles championship – entries are due on Friday!
Note from organizer Myrna Sanderson:
A special thanks to Carlene, Myrna Craswell, Angela, Krista, Lance and bartender Alan for all your help and a huge thanks to Bev for always being there for me when I needed guidance organizing this spiel.
Lastly thanks to you all for participating in this fun event. Without the members coming out in full force we would be unable to have these events.
I almost forgot you Ray – you had the club looking super as always.

(File photo from last season’s event – Angus Kennedy, Lorianne Davies, Myrna Sanderson)