Next evening Drop-in Curling moves to Sunday, January 22. New curlers, non-members welcome!

Drop-inThe date for our next Curling Drop-in session has been changed from Friday, January 6th to Sunday, January 22nd. Curling starts at 7:00 pm. Be there by 6:45 for team setup.

Club Members: this is a great time to introduce curling to some family members or friends. All are welcome – just drop in with a team or we will set you up with one!

$10.00 drop-in fee for non-members, FREE for Club members.       

No pre-registration needed – just DROP-IN!

No experience needed – we will show you the basics. You will play one 6-end game (about 90 minutes).

We have brooms and sliders if needed. 

Please come a little early (6:45) to get teams ready for the ice!

Hope you’ll join us!

Post last modified: Dec 28, 2016 @ 7:07 pm

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