This is an announcement that the Cornwall Curling Club’s Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday, May 27th, 2021 at 6:30 pm, at the Cornwall Curling Club, 29 Cornwall Road, Cornwall PEI.
Club members are encouraged to attend. We will have limited capacity due to COVID-19 safety regulations.
As per Constitution article 4.4.1, fifteen (15) Adult Members, none of whom shall be Directors, shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Club.
Please note that all social distancing protocols will be followed, masks will be mandatory and Chief Public Health Office-required tracking (sign-in) will be mandatory. There will be NO Social/Bar Service during this event.
Please stay tuned to our website and social media for further important announcements relating to this event, including more details on the Public Health/COVID-19 Safety protocol.
If you are interested in serving on our Board of Directors or have any questions about a Board of Directors role, please get in touch with our Club President, Chris MacDougall at