Second Notice, Agenda for Annual General Meeting (AGM) on May 27

This is a second announcement that the Cornwall Curling Club’s Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday, May 27th, 2021 (one week from this evening) at 6:30 pm, at  29 Cornwall Road, Cornwall PEI. Please note the following:

-The meeting will be held upstairs from the Cornwall Curling Club in the Cornwall Civic Centre Hall. Members are asked to use the building centre door. 
-Members are invited to come 15 minutes early. 
-Members will be required to wear their masks and physically distanced seating will be arranged.
-Any remaining club photos will be out for interested members to take with them. The photos have been in our storage space and so we have scanned them and plan to discard any of them that remain after this year’s AGM.  

Club members are encouraged to attend. We will have limited capacity due to COVID-19 safety regulations. 

As per Constitution article 4.4.1, fifteen (15) Adult Members, none of whom shall be Directors, shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Club.

Please note that all social distancing protocols will be followed, masks will be mandatory and Chief Public Health Office-required tracking (sign-in) will be mandatory. There will be NO Social/Bar Service during this event.

Please stay tuned to our website and social media for further important announcements relating to this event, including more details on the Public Health/COVID-19 Safety protocol.

If you are interested in serving on our Board of Directors or have any questions about a Board of Directors role, please get in touch with our Club President, Chris MacDougall at

2020 / 2021 Board of Directors

Chris MacDougall Peter Murdoch Jennifer Lenentine Amanda MacIntosh
Lacey Gallant Debbie Rhodenhizer Sharon Campbell David Fullerton
Landon Warder Shauna McGill (Int.) Kristi Rogers (interim) Vacant


Annual General Meeting Agenda

  1. Call to order 6:30pm
  2. Review & approval of Agenda or additions 6:30pm
  3. Review & approval of minutes or any additions from 2020 AGM 6:35pm
  4. Business arising from previous minutes 6:40pm
  5. Committee Chairs 6:45pm
    1. Finance (Jennifer Lenentine)
    2. Memberships & Draws (Peter Murdoch)
    3. Facilities (Debbie Rhodenhizer)
    4. Bonspiels / Social (Lacey Gallant & Sharon Campbell)
    5. Fundraising (David Fullerton)
    6. Volunteers (Sharon Campbell & Debbie Rhodenhizer)
    7. Development Programs (Landon Warder)
    8. Daytime (Chris MacDougall)
    9. By-Laws (Amanda McIntosh)
    10. Special Committee Return to Play (Peter Murdoch)
    11. President’s Report (Chris MacDougall)
    12. Nominating (Chris MacDougall)
  6. Election of new Board of Director Members 7:15pm
    1. Shauna McGill, Kristi Rogers, Nelson Duguay, Robbie Doherty, and nominations from the floor.
  7. New Business 7:20pm
    1. Bylaw proposal: Article 2 Governance, Section 2.1.6, Board of Directors term length. Description: change to option of extending term to a maximum of one additional year.
    2. Introduction of House decals from Jet Ice and other on ice advertising
  8. Other Business and open discussion 7:30pm
  9. Adjournment 7:35pm
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