One winner from Cornwall at Sport PEI awards

The sport of curling was up for three awards tonight at the Sport PEI awards banquet, with Summerside’s Cliff Poirier a finalist for Official of the Year, and Cornwall stick curler Ruth Stavert a finalist for Masters Athlete of the Year. The only winner was Derek MacEwen, winner of ADL Administrator of the Year for his work with the Cornwall Curling Club and with Curl PEI.


 Photo (L-R): Sport P.E.I. treasurer Ryan Innis, MacEwen and ADL rep Gail Ellis.


Post last modified: Apr 12, 2014 @ 9:10 am


One winner from Cornwall at Sport PEI awards — 5 Comments

  1. Congratulations Derek. Your work on behalf of Cornwall Cullring Club and Curl PEI is much-appreciated.

  2. Yay Derek!!! Well deserved recognition! For ADL Administrator of the Year for your work with the Cornwall Curling Club and with Curl PEI. Ray says they forgot to mention your curling skills – that deserves recognition as well – your team won the “A” division in the ladder league as well!!!!!!