Sport P.E.I. has launched a new poster campaign called She’s Got It All, featuring five Island athletes talking about the barriers that girls and women face in sports.
The five posters have been released every Monday leading up to International Women’s Day.
The athletes featured in the posters are wrestler Hannah Taylor, sprinter Bailey Smith, archer Kristen Arsenault, hockey goalie Ava Boutilier and curler Lauren Lenentine.
It’s different for many females in terms of their particular sport, and the barriers that may exist for that sport,” said Gemma Koughan, executive director of Sport P.E.I.
Lauren Lenentine says she wants it to be OK to look focused and intense when she is on the ice. (Photo by Katie Zacharias)
Curler Lauren Lenentine said she wanted to focus on the different ways that male and female curlers are perceived.
“My poster is about emotion, showing emotion on the ice,” Lenentine said.
“Male curlers are often seen as focused and intense, whereas as a woman, a female curler, we’re seen as maybe cranky, or not having fun. So just bringing awareness to that barrier.”
“Curling is kind of different. We’re really lucky, actually, that the male and female prizes are the same, we get the same TV coverage,” Lenentine said.
“I just played at the Scotties and in a typical year, it is usually sold out. So I’m pretty lucky in the sport that I play.”