Practice makes perfect! New Friday practice time starting Jan. 29

Starting on Friday, January 29th (we have events booked at that time the next two weekends) we will be opening up a new “Members Practice” opportunity, between 4 pm and 6 pm!!
Sheets of ice for practice can be reserved for either 4-5 pm or 5-6 pm.
Members can book these spots seven days in advance and use this time to practice, to play pick up games, or to play “make-up” games.
Members will be able to book these spots seven days in advance.
As with Sunday Members’ practice, we can book up to 4 curlers per sheet for practice purposes.
In some rare cases when booking, if we are busy, curlers may have to “share” the sheets of ice.
We have opened up the Friday Practice times as Sunday practice times have been adjusted (see below) as the former ‘Friday Afternoon Drop-In League’ is now going Sunday mornings from 10 am to 12 noon, starting January 24th.
The new Sunday Members’ Practice times are as follows:
One morning practice time:
8:45-9:45 am
Three afternoon practice times:
5:15-6 pm
The new ‘Friday Members’ Practice” times are as follows:
4-5 pm
5-6 pm
Please remind all curlers that they should arrive on time, and that they should sweep the ice and put rocks back before the next scheduled session.

If there is no-one booked after them, curlers are welcome to stay and use the extra ice time
Post last modified: Jan 11, 2021 @ 10:22 pm

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