Advertise at our Club, and give your business exposure to potential customers seven days a week from October through April. Exposure is not limited just to Club members from Cornwall and area, but through rentals and bonspiels, to businesses and organizations, curlers and spectators from all over the Maritimes.
Opportunities include:
Ice house (or elsewhere) signage: a 4 x 8 ft. sign will be displayed year ’round. You can supply your own, or we can have it made for you.
Ice Logo: Your logo will be displayed on our ice surface.
Draw Prizes- Prizes/Products/ Gift Certificates from your business could support winners of an evening draw.
– Prizes are given in multiples of four to ensure that all members of a team are included.
Bonspiel Prizes- Promote your business by providing prizes in any amount. Alternatively your organization could sponsor an entire bonspiel.
If you are interested, or would like more information, please feel to contact either our Manager, Bev McCormick at the Club (566-4427 or email or Carol Sweetapple (Board Member) at 566-4087.