Return to Play planning in progress for Little Rockers, Novice, Junior curling

Hello Parents and Caregivers of Youth Curlers (Junior, Novice, and Little Rockers!) 

An email was sent out to parents, caregivers, and other contacts on Friday afternoon with the following message: 
We know you are busy planning your fall and winter activities and very anxious to know the Cornwall Curling Club’s plans for the 2020-21 curling season. 
As GM, and a “Return to Play” committee member (and as a parent who understands the importance of planning!)  I appreciate any and all questions and comments.
If you have been following along on social media and our website (or have signed up for emails from the website), you will be aware that we currently have in place a “Return to Play” committee planning for the 2020-2021 curling season. I believe that our Junior Curling Coordinator Kellie-Lynn has also been forwarding some information directly via emails to Youth Curling family members. 
To summarize, the “Return to Play”  committee has consulted with many stakeholders and we believe we have a plan that is as safe as possible and will be enjoyable for all curlers.
The plan/expectation/hope is to return to curling this season, with a schedule very similar to last year. 
(This may change, depending on any number of variables in the coming weeks, but we hope to keep very close to the same schedule). 
The committee will be sending out an executive summary of our plan very soon, along with a survey to ask members some questions about their intention(s) to return.
Those who have signed up for emails from our website will receive the letter and survey, otherwise it will be available on our website or in person at the AGM on September 10th.
 Once we have those results we can assess and determine if: 
A. If it is definitely viable for us to return this season. 
We would need to have a commitment from the majority of our membership to do so. Or we may need to consider a season that might look different than in the past. 
(Or worst-case scenario, no season at all.)
It all depends on those results!  Following this, we will:
B. Plan for what the return might look like. 
We feel confident we have put every measure in place that will ensure a game, an instructional program, and an environment as close as possible to previous years, while reducing risks for our curlers and employees. 
You will have many questions… and the answers will come. Please be patient with us as we move forward. 
We want to let you know our tentative schedule for Youth Curling:
 1. We hope to begin our curling registration the first week of October (week of October 5th).
2. We hope to begin our league play, and Junior Practice Curling (ages 13+) in the third week of October (beginning October 19th). 
3. We hope to begin our Novice (ages 8-12) and Little Rockers (ages 6&7) programming 2 weeks to one month after October 19th (i.e. starting week of November 2nd, 9th, OR 16th). 
We are not able to confirm a definitive start date yet for the Novice and Little Rockers programming yet, as much consideration and planning will need to go into the programs to ensure all of our Junior curlers will be safe (while still having a great time learning)! 
We are very proud that our Junior Curling Development Coordinator Kellie-Lynn Younker has experience in working with children in learning/educational settings. She will work closely with myself,  the Board of Director Member in charge of Curling Development (currently Peter Murdoch), Curl PEI, Curling Canada, and all Public Health oversight bodies, to put forward a program where your children can be instructed in curling in the safest possible ways while having fun learning and being active!  
We hope we will be able to keep the same times and days for all of our youth curling: 
Novice Group 1- Tuesdays at 5pm-6pm
Novice Group 2- Fridays at 5pm -6pm 
Novice Group 1&2 -Sundays at 2pm-3pm 
Little Rockers -Sundays at 1pm-2pm 
Although we cannot definitely confirm these days and times, it is looking that way and is what we are planning and hoping for. 
Junior Practice times may be slightly adjusted ( in that we would require practices to be finished by 5:30pm in order to safely prepare the ice for the evening leagues to be able to clear and clean the clubhouse) but we will not expect many changes in days or times from the previous year). We will reach out to Junior Practice families when we announce registration. 
In terms of overall club operations, once we have the survey results back and they are assessed, the “Return to Play” committee and Board of Directors, we will formally announce our intentions and schedules. 
Some quick info:
1. For “on-ice” play we will follow an operational plan provided by Curl PEI. 
All clubs will be required to follow this plan for play. Amy Duncan has consulted with Curling Canada and used their recommended ‘return to play’ guidelines. 
She has also worked very hard in consultation with the CPHO and many other stakeholders to create a safe way to be able to continue to curl. 
2. All families will be provided our “Return to Play” safety document when ready. It will review many of the questions you may have on your mind. Generally, it will expect that all children practice social distancing (we will have safety protocols in place to support these expectations). We will hope to be able to allow one parent or caregiver to be in attendance, however this is still a part of our planning. 
We will be releasing and posting our general club operational plan as soon as possible (it is still in the process of approval, but so far everything appears to be on point). 
We will also provide access to the Curl PEI on-ice operational guide. 
We will then follow up with a Junior Curling document that will review our policy specifically for Youth Curling. 
Any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to our Junior Curling Coordinator, or to me at and we will get back to you as soon as possible. 
Please be safe and thank you again for your patience! 
With Kind Regards,
Cornwall Curling Club Manager 


Post last modified: May 11, 2022 @ 10:10 pm

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