Rob Swan is Curling Across the Nation, and will join Cornwall Daytime Curlers on Thursday

Rob Swan comes from a small community in rural New Brunswick called Harvey Station, where they have been lucky for the past 53 year to have a small curling club. As of late the club is starting to show her age. so for the 2014/2015 curling season it is Rob’s mission to raise  money  to start renovations to update the club so that it can weather the future in a better position. Planned renos include redoing the washrooms, reinsulating the ice house, putting a brand new base under the ice, and installing a new steel roof.
robswanPhoto: Rob Swan
Rob is currently in the process of  curling 100 games in 100 different clubs across Canada, and will be here at the Cornwall Curling Club on Thursday (Dec. 18) to curl with the daytime curlers in the 10 am draw.
You are invited to come out and watch (or curl) on Thursday. We’re sure he would be glad to accept donations for this worthy cause, as well.
You can also click the following link to donate:
For more info, be sure to check out the Curling Across the Nation website at:, their Facebook page at and their  twitter feed at @curlthenation.
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