Rob Young rink win Kenmac trophy!

The rink of Rob Young, Sheri Boutelier, Angus Kennedy, and Mark MacDonald finished with the most points at the annual Kenmac Energy Opening Bonspiel, and were presented with the coveted Kenmac trophy by Gordon Matthews, from PEI’s PetroCanada distributor, Kenmac Energy.

Photo (L-R): Young, Boutelier, Kennedy, MacDonald, Matthews

The awards ceremony followed a great day of curling, and lunch of burgers and sausages cooked on the Club’s new barbecue (that reminds me – did you know that Kenmac are PEI’s newest propane distributors, and the only one with a local office?), along with Barb’s great  potato and pasta salads.

Here are the other winning teams, with eight of the 12 teams who signed up receiving great prizes from our generous sponsor. As well, most of those in attendance won a door prize (I won an Igloo cooler!):

2nd place
2nd place: John DeLuca, Myrna Craswell, Cindy Nicholson, with Gordon Matthews of Kenmac. Missing: Peter Buchanan

3rd place: Gordie Matthews of Kenmac with Paul Neima, Joe Callaghan, Mike Lafontaine, Patricia Lang

4th place: Gordie Matthews with Jack, Dean, and Linda Fairhurst, Carlene Peters

5th place: Frank Weiler, Chick Morrison, L. Egan. Missing: Tom Dunn

6th place:  Joanne MacDonald, Bea Graham, Gordie Matthews from Kenmac, Valerie Acorn, Karen Currie

7th place: Greg St. John, Dick St. John, Gordie from Kenmac, Missing: Hank Kamphuis

8th place: Lynda Fairhurst, Melody Beck, Angus and Lorianne Davies, Gordie Matthews from Kenmac

Thanks again to Barb Duncan-Biagé, Ray Biagé, and everyone else who helped out, Lance and crew for the great ice, and to Gordon Matthews and the Kenmac crew for another great opening bonspiel. Don’t forget, the 16 degree temperatures we enjoyed on Saturday WILL NOT continue! Give Kenmac a call now for all your winter heating needs!

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