Saturday morning Wendy’s U16 league wraps up this week

This is the final week for the Saturday morning Under 16 league, sponsored by Wendy’s.

Here’s a couple more team pictures (still looking to get all four members of the Burris team together). The Schut and Coffin rinks are playing each other this week.


Photo:  Mitchell Schut rinkteamemmacoffinPhoto: Emma Coffin team

Here’s the schedule for the final week. Wendy’s gift certificates will be presented to the top teams.

Saturday Jan. 9, 2016, 09:30 (Note change in date)

Ice 1:   Alexis Burris vs. Katie Shaw

Ice 3:   Rachel MacLean vs. Beth Walsh

Ice 4: Mitchell Schut vs. Emma Coffin

Bye:  Chase MacMillan

Team Rosters (Skip to lead)

Chase MacMillan, Liam Barbrick, Jack MacFadyen, TBA
Rachel MacLean, Grace Gaudet, Avery Nicholson, Jordan Dunphy
Mitchell Schut, Colin MacKenzie, Michael MacEwen, Liam Kelly
Alexis Burris, Sydney Howatt, Meghan Sherren, Madelyn Cantwell
Katie Shaw, Amy Spence, Gracie Bulger, Lexie Murray
Emma Coffin, Gillian Barbrick, Katelyn Burgoyne, Baily O’Grady
Beth Walsh, Clara Jack, Rory Ulvstal, Darrah MacLeod

Good luck to all teams that enter the provincials!

The PEI Under 18 Curling Championships, with male and female divisions for curlers under the age of 18 years, will take place Feb. 19-23 2016 here at the Cornwall Curling Club. The winning teams will advance to the Atlantic Under 18 Curling Championships, from March 25-27, 2016 at CFB Halifax.

Entry deadline is Jan. 29 2016 and team entry fee is $120. Website:

The PEI Under 16 Curling Championships, with male and female divisions for curlers under the age of 16 years, take place at the Charlottetown Curling Complex from Feb. 26-28, 2016. Entry deadline is Feb. 5, 2016, and entry fee is $100 per team.

There are also Junior Mixed and Under 13 ch’ships, with entry deadlines in February.


Post last modified: Jan 7, 2016 @ 1:39 pm

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