Save the dates: Bonspiels and Ch’ships at Cornwall this season

Here is a list of bonspiels and championship events coming at our Club this season. As always, dates are subject to change. We will have more details on each of them as they approach. 


The Mixed Doubles event is a Club cashspiel and draws a full complement of 16 teams every year. Click for last year’s wrapup.
The US Ladies Tour and the Schmirler Charity tourney are new – more info later!
The Masters Plus event attracts curlers from around the Maritimes, with a format that has three players age 60 and over and 1 player who is at least 55. Click for last year’s wrapup.
The Murphy’s Ladies Spiel is open to female curlers from all clubs. Click for last year’s wrapup.
The Canada Games Trials will select the final male and female teams for the Canada Games. Three of the four teams in it are from Cornwall. Click for info.
The Kenmac is a popular team entry spiel hosted by a long-time sponsor. Click for last year’s wrapup.
The Closing Spiel is our traditional “Red vs Blue” fun event. Click for last year’s wrapup.

  • Mixed Doubles: 3 November
  • US Ladies Tour and Lunch 6 November
  • Sandra Schmirler Charity Tournament 16-17 November
  • Masters Plus: 22-23 November
  • Murphy’s Ladies Spiel: 30 November and 1 December
  • Canada Games Trials 7-9 December
  • Kenmac Bonspiel 11-12 January
  • Club Championships 18-19 January
  • Junior Funspiel 9 February
  • Provincial U-18 8-12 March
  • Maritime Stick Championships 15-17 March
  • Canadian Stick Championships 31 March – 3 April
  • Closing Spiel 5-6 April
Post last modified: Sep 28, 2018 @ 12:28 pm

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