Single-entry Murphy’s Pharmacies Ice Queens Women’s Funspiel: fun for both new and experienced curlers!

The 2020 Murphy’s Ice Queens Funspiel was held Saturday, November 21, and a great time was had by all! We changed things up and went with a single-entry draw which made it easier for new curlers to participate and meet other club members. Everyone had a chance to enjoy the day with both familiar and new faces. Eight teams took part in the one-day event, with registration costs remaining at $35 per person. Myrna Sanderson, once again with help from Angela Sanderson, was draw master, and Gloria Turner was brought on board to learn from the experts.

Matos basket

Again this year, we had many door prizes and draws for the participants. Matos Winery donated a wonderful basket of wine and goodies to be raffled at the event and, although many ladies had their eyes on the prize, the lucky winner was Carlene Peters! We also had a 50/50 draw which was claimed by Angela Sanderson! Congrats, Ladies!

Throughout the event, each team played three six-end games in round-robin format. Since there was only one draw, it was a relaxed and enjoyable day for all!

Team Sanderson (L-R Myrna, Sharon, Anne, Niki)

The winner of the event was Team Sanderson (Myrna Sanderson, Sharon Campbell, Anne Boswall and Niki McLaughlin).

Team Stavert

Second place prize went to Team Stavert (Ruth Stavert, Angela Sanderson, Colleen MacDonald and Valerie Acorn).

Team Currie

Third place prize went to Team Currie (Karen Currie, Shauna McGill, Lacey Gallant and Jane McKay).

Team MacDougall

And, last but not least, Team MacDougall (Cathy MacDougall, Gloria Turner, Patsy McCarville and Sandra McKay) was presented with the Spirit Award. Congrats to the winners and to all of the curlers on a day well played!

This event could not have been so successful without the generosity of our sponsors, Murphy’s Pharmacies, as well as the ongoing support from Matos Winery. We were also treated to some yummy chocolate covered chips from Anne of Green Gables Chocolates donated by club members Peter and Niki McLaughin.  

Lunch sandwiches and COWS products

Our food for the day was purchased from Mary’s Cornwall Bakery, West Royalty Sobeys and Sam’s Restaurant Cornwall location. Exceptional quality and service was provided by each vendor and everyone raved about how terrific the food was. Fadi Rashed, owner of Sam’s, even hand-delivered some of our meals.

We would like to take the time to thank our Cornwall Curling Club staff for all of their hard work and dedication; our Club Manager, who helps out with anything we need and is essential to any spiel we organize, Brent Irving, for the amazing ice surface to help us play our best game, and Debby Sigsworth and our Manager for tending the bar and assisting with clean up and sanitizing before and after each game. You are all amazing and an important part of the member experience!

A special thank-you to our volunteers who took time out of their busy schedules to help make this event the amazing day that it was! Many hands make light work, and we are lucky to have generous club members who will help out whenever needed. So, we are sending you all a heartfelt thank-you for all of your hard work and time! Without you, this event would not be possible!

See you next year!

Lacey Gallant and Sharon Campbell  –  Bonspiels and Socials Committee

Here’s a photo gallery from the event (some from Lacey, some from Manager Lori). Click picture to enlarge.

Post last modified: May 11, 2022 @ 10:09 pm

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