Sunday Open House/Return to Play Orientation for Parents/Caregivers of current & prospective Age 6-12 curlers

(Those whose kids are already registered have previously been contacted by email)
We are holding an Open House and Return to Play Orientation tomorrow (Sunday, October 25) at 2 pm here at the Club for Parents and Caregivers of currently registered Little Rockers (age 6-7) and Novice (8-12) curlers, as well as those who may be interested in signing their kids up for our instructional curling program.

We can accept a maximum of 40 Parents/Caregivers. Please note that this is NOT for the curlers themselves — their Orientation begins November 1st. Those whose kids are not currently enrolled are requested to email their interest in attending to to ensure your spot, as space is limited.

Post last modified: Oct 24, 2020 @ 4:43 pm

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