Thanks for a successful PEI Scotties!

Cornwall Curling Club Scotties chair, Ruth Stavert wishes to thank EVERYONE who helped make the event possible, including:

The Officials
Kay Atkinson
Ernie Stavert
David Murphy
Jim Farquharson
Diane Farquharson

Debby Sigsworth
Lorianne Davies
Angus Davies
Cindy Nicholson

Bob MacWilliams
Karen Currie
Kimball Blanchard
Lew Black
Deb DelValle
Gloria Wood
Paul Durant
Dawn MacFadyen
Evelyn Rogerson
Michelle MacKie

Door Cashiers
Brian Sutherland
Grant Laird
Hélène LaPalme
Helen Smith
Phyllis Cole
Gloria Clarke
Jessie MacPhail
Donna Beer Green
Mabel England
Pat McCardle
Myrna Craswell
Barry Craswell
Jean Anderson
Elaine Hughes

Barb Duncan-Biagé
Carol Sweetapple
Myrna Sanderson
Joanne Durant
Rebecca Rolfe
Veronica Smith
Katie Fullerton
Chloe McCloskey
Sabrina Smith

Sandwiches for Sale
Gloria Clarke
Mary Plamondon 
Helen Smith
Barb Campbell

Ice Crew
Lance Lowther
Roy Coffin
Kimball Blanchard
Bob MacWilliams
Al MacCormac

Al MacCormac
Carol Sweetapple
Debby Sigsworth

Everyone who helped move chairs and heavy stuff around, helped set up displays and decorations.

 Ray Biagé for the extra hours of cleaning and helping with whatever had to be done.

 Derek MacEwen for all the work done on the website.

 The PEICA for the opportunity to host this event.  
Amy Duncan and Lucie Newson of the PEICA for their involvement with the Scotties.

 Most important to me was the support from Karen Currie, president, Bev McCormick, manager, and Ernie, my husband.

– Ruth Stavert

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