Thibodeau and Taylor rinks win round three of Ladder League

The Wednesday evening night ladder league wrapped up with some makeup games last evening. The Robert Thibodeau rink completed its sweep of the A pool, winning all three rounds, and losing only one game this round. They will receive gift certificates courtesy of sponsor New Glasgow Lobster Suppers for their round three win. Playing with Thibodeau were Angus Kennedy, Wade Deaken, and Ken Monaghan. The Bob Fowler rink were second with two losses.

Meanwhile, the Jeff Taylor rink had six wins in a row to take the B pool. I haven’t checked to see if they played their final game, but it doesn’t matter, as no one else could tie them. The Greg Groves team were second, with five wins. Team Taylor will be taking home prizes from sponsor Sam’s Family Restaurant in Cornwall. Other members of the team are Dylan Sanderson, Cody Dawson, and Dustin Muttart. Paul Durant aptly filled in as spare for Jeff while he was on the injury list.

Thanks to everyone who took part in the league again this season, to Jeff Taylor and Danny Kneabone for doing the ice, and to our generous sponsors. See you in October!


Post last modified: Mar 31, 2016 @ 1:17 pm

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