Wednesday Evening Ladder League Round One set to start on Nov. 2nd

The A and B Pool teams are now set following some exciting games on Qualifier Night, where team matchups were chosen by random, with the winners going to the “A” Pool for Round One, and the non-winners going to “B”.

The “B” pool will have the early draw on November 2nd, as the “A” pool had that draw the last week of last season. We have run the teams in each pool through the random number generator to determine the team numbers for the Curling Canada draw we use.

Here are the “A” Pool teams: 


Here are the “B” Pool teams: 


Here are the Round One Draw and Schedule (drag to see full table on narrow touchscreens):

Date Time Ice 1 Ice 2 Ice 3 Ice 4
Nov. 2
6:30 pm
B4-Watts vs B7-Younker B6-Callaghan vs B3-Gallant B8-Kamphuis vs B1-Callin B2-Neima vs B5-McInnis
8:30 pm
A4-T.MacKenzie vs A7-MacDonald A6-Groves vs A3-Joostema A8-C.MacKenzie vs A1-Boswall A2-Currie vs A5-Robertson
Nov. 9
6:30 pm
A6-Groves vs A1-Boswall A4-T.MacKenzie vs A5-Robertson A2-Currie vs A7-MacDonald A8-C.MacKenzie vs A3-Joostema
8:30 pm
B6-Callaghan vs B1-Callin B4-Watts vs B5-McInnis B2-Neima vs B7-Younker B8-Kamphuis vs B3-Gallant
Nov. 16
6:30 pm
B2-Neima vs B8-Kamphuis  B7-Younker vs B1-Callin B5-McInnis vs B3-Gallant B4-Watts vs B6-Callaghan
8:30 pm
A2-Currie vs A8-C.MacKenzie A7-MacDonald vs A1-Boswall A5-Robertson vs A3-Joostema A4-T.MacKenzie vs A6-Groves 
6:30 pm
A1-Boswall vs A3-Joostema A2-Currie vs A4-T.MacKenzie A6-Groves vs
A5-Robertson vs A7-MacDonald
8:30 pm
B1-Callin vs 
B2-Neima vs B4-Watts B6-Callaghan vs B8-Kamphuis  B5-McInnis vs B7-Younker
6:30 pm
B8-Kamphuis vs B4-Watts B3-Gallant vs B7-Younker B1-Callin vs B5-McInnis B6-Callaghan vs B2-Neima 
8:30 pm
A8-C.MacKenzie vs A4-T.MacKenzie A3-Joostema vs A7-MacDonald A1 -Boswall vs A5-Robertson  A6-Groves vs A2-Currie
Dec. 7
6:30 pm
A3-Joostema vs A2-Currie A5-Robertson vs A8-C.MacKenzie A7-MacDonald vs A6-Groves A1 -Boswall vs A4-T.MacKenzie
8:30 pm 
B3-Gallant vs B2- Neima B5-McInnis vs B8-Kamphuis B7-Younker vs B6-Callaghan B1-Callin  vs B4-Watts
Dec. 14
6:30 pm
B5-McInnis vs B6-Callaghan B1-Callin  vs B2- Neima B3-Gallant vs B4-Watts B7-Younker vs B8-Kamphuis
8:30 pm
A5-Robertson vs A6-Groves A1 -Boswall vs A2-Currie A3-Joostema vs A4-T.MacKenzie A7-MacDonald vs A8-C.MacKenzie
Dec. 21 First night of Round Two
Dec. 28 Xmas Break – Round Two resumes January 4

Be sure to mark the scoresheet following your game.

Here are the team rosters (in no particular order). We are currently looking for one player for Team Colin MacKenzie. If you are interested, contact the Club Manager at

Please send any roster updates/corrections to the Drawmaster, Derek MacEwen, at He will also pass them on to the Manager to update the registration system.

TEAMS (skip to lead, alternate). Drag to show entire table on narrow touchscreens:

Team Name Skip Third Second Lead Alt.
Neima Paul Neima Alan Mason Jeff Hannam Randy Goodman  
Gallant Rob Gallant Hans Wicki Derek Gallant Derek MacEwen  
Younker David Younker Kelli-Lynn Younker Chris Hodgson Rebecca Rolfe  
Robertson Laura Arsenault Kim Pippy Jeff Arsenault Greg Robertson  
Callaghan Joe Callaghan Clara Jack Amber Robb Terry MacCormac  
MacDonald Mark MacDonald Nelson Dougay Geoff Boyle  Jonathan MacDonald  
Groves Gregory Groves Donald Weeks Cathy MacDougall Marjorie Matthews  
Legion of Broom / McInnis Josh McInnis Robert Deziel Jesse Kennedy Mitch Dunphy Anthony Riley
HJWZ / /Joostema Peter Joostema Bob Wakelin George Zafiris Steven Hickey  
C.MacKenzie Colin MacKenzie Shauna McGill Sarah Doak TBD  
Kamphuis Hank Kamphuis Gerald Dykerman Sandra Sobey Pat MacInnis  
T.MacKenzie Tyler MacKenzie Tricia Sanderson Jonathon Adams Kendra Thurston  
Watts Kelly Watts Cathy Handren Krista Affleck Sandra Solomon  
Callin Doug Callin Troy Bertram Steve Miller James Benton  
Currie Karen Currie Angela Sanderson Melissa Creighton Sharon Campbell Jenine Bodner
Boswall Norman Boswall Gordon Matthews Guy Boswall Ricky Milton  

League Description: 

The Wednesday evening Ladder League is a semi-competitive team entry league. Teams stay the same all season. Teams retaining at least 3 players from the previous season have priority to enter again this season, while other teams are on a space-available basis. Junior teams with all players age 13 and over, are welcome in this league (but have a lower priority). Teams are divided into an A and a B pool at the start of the season based on whether they win or lose against another team chosen at random on the first night, “Qualifier Night”. At the end of each of three rounds, the bottom three teams in the A pool and the top 3 teams in the B pool switch places, to add some variety for the middle-tier teams while also making the pools more competitive as the top and bottom teams will not play each other. The A and B pools will curl at separate times, alternating between the 6:30 and 8:30 draw times each week. At least three players, at least ONE of whom is on the listed team (not a spare) are required to avoid a game default.  The winners of each pool in each round will receive prizes.


  • Open semi-competitive league. Any player can play any position, and you can change from game to game.
  • We will be using the following Curling Canada draw for Round Robin play. It has good sheet distribution, and we have been using it for many years with no complaints.
  • Following Qualifier Night where we only need to know who won, you will mark “W” for a win, “L” for a loss, or “LD” for a loss by default on the scoresheet, along with your team’s points scored, on the scoresheet on the draw board. In the case of a default, award point per end to the winning team. In the case of a tie, award an additional point for the draw-to-the-button winner. If your score is not marked and you win, you will get one point more than the losing team. If you lose and didn’t mark, you will receive zero points. Note that scores are used only if head to head results cannot definitively break a tie (see below).Sample Scoresheet:
  • To break ties at the end of the round between teams with the same record, the tied teams are ranked by applying the following rules in order until one tie is broken. If a one or more ties remain, the rules are applied to each tie starting from rule 1. The process continues until all ties are broken and all teams are ranked.
    1. The teams are ranked using their head-to-head record against the other teams in the tie. A Loss will beat a Loss by Default.
    2. The teams are then ranked using the point differential for their games in the round against the other teams in the tie.
    3. The teams are then ranked using the point differential for all the games in the round against all teams.
    4. The teams are then ranked using their initial ranking in the round.
  • Ties: Decided by a draw to the button, with sweeping permitted (by your team only – the other team cannot sweep your rock behind the T line or anywhere else).
  • Avoiding defaults/using spares: At least one regular team member (and three players in total) must be present for the game to count, or else a default is posted.  Spares should not play a higher position than the player replaced.
  • Storms: Any games cancelled due to storms, etc. will usually (drawmaster’s decision) not be played, unless it is the last week of the draw. All subsequent weeks will remain where they were, Any changes to this will be posted on
  • Teams may reschedule games to a different date and /or time by mutual consent. but ice time is hard to find!
  • The buzzer will be used to ensure the teams are off the ice within the 2-hour time period.  If the buzzer sounds, teams will complete the current end in play to finish the game. If tied, the standard draw to the button will then take place.

– Derek MacEwen

Wednesday Night Drawmaster


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