Wednesday Evening Ladder League Round One draw

Here is the 7 week draw, sponsored by Lowther’s Snow Removal, for Round One of the Wednesday Ladder League, which will wrap up on Dec. 9. One team each week in the 7 team A pool will have a bye, while the six B pool teams will each play two extra games, against teams they have already played, in order to finish both pools at the same time.

I have allocated the same ice sheets to both pools, to facilitate ice maintenance, and rentals of the spare sheet, but we will vary the blank sheet each week.

At the end of the round, three teams will move down from the A to the B pool, and two will move up from B to A.

Team Rosters

A Pool

A1-Robert Thibodeau, Angus Kennedy, Wade Deaken, Ken Monaghan

A2-Jeff Taylor, Dylan Sanderson, Cody Dawson, TBA

A3-Paul Neima, Joe Callaghan, Alan Mason, Jeff Hannah

A4-Mark MacDonald, Brad Gardiner, Wayne Dalziel, Wayne Goodwin

A5-Kelly Watts, Cathy Handren, Paula Ling, Pam Sweetapple

A6-Donald DeWolfe, Avery Wells, Cameron Jenkins, Nick Johnston

A7-Ray Biagé, Derek Gallant, Rebecca Rolfe, Derek MacEwen


B Pool


B1-Lew Black, Hans Wicki, Hans Anderegg, Steve Hunter

B2-Bob Fowler, Carl Currie, Thane Thompson, Danny Young

B3-Greg Groves, Donald Weeks, Marjorie Matthews, Margaret Bond

B4-Valerie Acorn, Alan Acorn, Mark Perry, Len Gotell

B5-Gord Peters, Hank Kamphuis, Gerald Dykerman, Pat MacInnis

B6-Dave Younker, Bob MacWilliams, Joe MacMillan, TBA



Week 1: Oct. 28

6:30 pm B Pool

Ice 1: B6-David Younker vs B3-Greg Groves

Ice 2: B2-Bob Fowler vs B1-Lew Black

Ice 3: B5-Gord Peters vs B4-Valerie Acorn


8:30 pm A Pool

Ice 1: A6-Donald DeWolfe vs A3-Paul Neima

Ice 2: A5-Kelly Watts vs A4-Mark MacDonald

Ice 3: A7-Ray Biagé vs A2-Jeff Taylor

BYE: A1-Robert Thibodeau


Week 2: Nov. 4

6:30 pm A Pool

Ice 2: A3-Paul Neima vs A7-Ray Biagé

Ice 3: A1-Robert Thibodeau vs A2-Jeff Taylor

Ice 4: A4-Mark MacDonald vs A6-Donald DeWolfe

Bye:  A5-Kelly Watts



8:30 pm B Pool

Ice 2: B1-Lew Black vs B6-David Younker

Ice 3: B3-Greg Groves vs B4-Valerie Acorn

Ice 4: B2-Bob Fowler vs B5-Gord Peters



Week 3: Nov 11

6:30 pm B Pool

Ice 1: B2-Bob Fowler vs B4-Valerie Acorn

Ice 3: B6-David Younker vs B5-Gord Peters

Ice 4: B3-Greg Groves vs B1-Lew Black


8:30 pm A Pool

Ice 1: A7-Ray Biagé vs A4-Mark MacDonald

Ice 3: A6-Donald DeWolfe vs A5-Kelly Watts

Ice 4: A3-Paul Neima vs A1-Robert Thibodeau

BYE: A2-Jeff Taylor



Week 4: Nov. 18

6:30 pm A pool

Ice 2: A1-Robert Thibodeau vs A4-Mark MacDonald

Ice 3: A2-Jeff Taylor vs A3-Paul Neima

Ice 4: A5-Kelly Watts vs A7-Ray Biagé

Bye: A6-Donald DeWolfe



8:30 pm B Pool


Ice 2: B5-Gord Peters vs B3-Greg Groves

Ice 3: B1-Lew Black vs B2-Bob Fowler

Ice 4: B4-Valerie Acorn vs B6-David Younker



Week 5: Nov 25

6:30 pm B Pool


Ice 1: B6-David Younker vs B5-Gord Peters

Ice 2: B1-Lew Black vs B4-Valerie Acorn

Ice 3: B2-Bob Fowler vs B3-Greg Groves



8:30 pm A Pool

Ice 1: A4-Mark MacDonald vs A2-Jeff Taylor

Ice 2: A7-Ray Biagé vs A6-Donald DeWolfe

Ice 3: A5-Kelly Watts vs A1-Robert Thibodeau

BYE: A3-Paul Neima


Week 6: Dec. 2

6:30 pm A Pool

Ice 1: A1-Robert Thibodeau vs A6-Donald DeWolfe

Ice 2: A3-Paul Neima vs A4-Mark MacDonald

Ice 4: A2-Jeff Taylor vs A5-Kelly Watts

BYE: A7-Ray Biagé



8:30 pm B Pool


Ice 1: B4-Valerie Acorn vs B2-Bob Fowler

Ice 2: B3-Greg Groves vs B6-David Younker

Ice 4: B5-Gord Peters vs B1-Lew Black



Week 7: Dec. 9

6:30 pm B Pool

Ice 1: B5-Gord Peters vs B3-Greg Groves

Ice 2: B4-Valerie Acorn vs B1-Lew Black

Ice 3: B6-David Younker vs B2-Bob Fowler


8:30 pm A Pool

Ice 1: A5-Kelly Watts vs A3-Paul Neima

Ice 2: A7-Ray Biagé vs A1-Robert Thibodeau

Ice 3: A6-Donald DeWolfe vs A2-Jeff Taylor

BYE: A4-Mark MacDonald

Orange stick man climbing on ladder


Post last modified: Oct 26, 2015 @ 2:55 pm

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