AGM and Awards night May 7

The Cornwall Curling Club’s Annual General Meeting and Awards night will take place Friday, May 7, 2010, beginning at 6 pm. The winners of each draw will receive prizes (gift certificates) from our generous sponsors.

Here is a list of sponsors and winners for each draw:

Sunday Night- Sponsored by  Chandlers Cabinets and Millwork
Draw 1- Gordon Peters, Terry Wiseman, Paula Ling, Billy Doucette
Draw 2- Angus Kennedy, Whitney Hunston, Greg St. John, Billy Doucette

Monday Night- 6 p.m.
Sponsor- Cornwall Save Easy
Draw 1- Jack Fairhurst, Bill Brown, Greg Groves, Linda Turnbull
Sponsor- Cornwall Save Easy
Draw 2- Greg Groves, Angus Davies, Cyndi Cunneyworth, Neil Smith
Sponsor- New Glasgow Lobster Suppers
Draw 3- Rob Young, Joe Callaghan, Brad Gardiner , Neil Smith

Tuesday Night KFC Competitive
Pool A Winners
Lorianne Davies, Rob Young, Mark MacDonald, Melody Beck
Pool A Runners-up
John DeLuca, Peter Buchanan, Kimball Blanchard, Danielle Girard
Pool B Winners
Bob MacWilliams, Myrna Sanderson, Jim Farquharson, Ruth Stavert
Pool B Runners-Up
Scott Jeffrey, Shawn Myers,   Andrew Kennedy, Trevor Young

Wed. Evening Ladder League

Round One
Sponsor –  Murphy’S Cornwall Pharmacy
A Pool Winners: Bob MacWilliams, John Berry, Roy Coffin, Jim Farquharson
Sponsor – Howard Johnson, Dutch Inn
A Pool Runners-Up: John DeLuca, Cindy Nicholson, Peter Buchanan, Danielle Girard

Round Two
Sponsor – Cornwall Pizza Delight
A Pool Winner:  Bob Fowler,  Paul Durant, Jamie Ballem, Allan Acorn
Sponsor – Cornwall Pizza Delight
A Pool Runner-Up:  Bob MacWilliams, John Berry, Roy Coffin, Jim Farquharson

Round Three
Sponsor – Donnie Lowther Snow Removal
A Pool Winner:  Paul Neima, Angus Davies, Mike Lafontaine, Rob Young
Sponsor – Clyde River Golf Links
A Pool Runner-up:  Bob Fowler,  Paul Durant, Jamie Ballem, Allan Acorn
Sponsor – Clyde River Golf Links
B Pool Winner: Jeff Taylor, Alex Sutherland, Alex Jenkins, Jonathan Schut

 Wed. Afternoon Team Curling-   “Iceman” draw sponsored by Lance Lowther
Paul Durant, Myrna Craswell, Barry Craswell, Joanne Durant

Thursday Night –
Draw 1 – 6:00 p.m.-Quartermaster Marine
Brenda MacMillan, Bob MacWilliams, Krista Affleck, Karen Johnston

Draw 1 8:00p.m.- Quartermaster Marine
Ray Biage, Hans Wicki , Helen Verhulp, Kathleen McCaffrey

Draw 2- 6:00 p.m.- Abegweit Outfitters
Joe MacMillan, Nancy MacKinnon, Greg Groves, Krista Affleck

Draw 2- 8:00 p.m.- Abegweit Outfitters
Russell  Boyle, Terry MacAulay, Cindy Nicholson, Helen Verhulp

Draw 3- 6.00 p.m.- Investors Goup- Grant Furlotte
Joe MacMillan, Krista Affleck, Gordon Canfield, Maureen Cudmore

Draw 3- 8.00 p.m.- Investors Group- Grant Furlotte
Ray Biage, Hans Wicki, Linda Matthews, Kathleen McCaffrey

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