Volunteer now for The Dominion Curling Club Championship!

The Dominion of Canada General Insurance Company (The Dominion) is once again taking Canadian curling to another level with The Dominion Curling Club Championship—this year in Prince Edward Island! Set to benefit Canadian club curlers and charities, this year’s event promises to be the best yet, with Islanders showing champions their Eastern hospitality.  Please volunteer to help with the second annual event and join The Dominion in giving club curlers the opportunity to compete for a national title.  We can’t do it without people like you!

 The Championship provides the opportunity for club teams to represent their club at the zone, provincial, or territory level, and ultimately offers them the opportunity to compete on the national stage.  Teams from all 10 provinces and 3 territories, plus a separate entry for Northern Ontario, will compete at the Charlottetown and Cornwall Curling Clubs November 23rd-28th, 2010.  Details can be found online at thedominioncurls.ca

Once again in 2010, The Dominion Curling Club Championship will direct any profit generated to charities, including the Canadian Paraplegic Association (CPA) and developmental curling initiatives in communities across Canada.

 If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out the attached volunteer information form, print it out, sign and date it, and mail or fax it to:

 Kate Arkilander, Volunteer Recruitment & Scheduling

The Dominion Curling Club Championship

c/o The Dominion

165 University Avenue, 5th Floor, Toronto, ON, M5H 3B9
Fax: 416-362-1602

Feel free to drop the form off at Peake & McInnis Insurance in Charlottetown, and they will be glad to fax it in for you.

 Canadian curlers are the best in the world!  Please join The Dominion and the Charlottetown and Cornwall Curling Clubs in making the Provincial/Territorial Club Champions feel like first class athletes, and help us ensure The Dominion Curling Club Championship is a complete success.

 Please contact me if you have any questions.  On behalf of the event’s Host Committee, thank you for volunteering! 

Kate Arkilander

HR Administrator, Human Resources, The Dominion

Phone: 416-350-7749
Fax: 416-362-1602

Email: karkilander@thedominion.ca

Website: thedominion.ca

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