Another exciting Playday/Payday draw today!

Our Saturday “Playday/Payday League” is shaping up to be as exciting as we knew it would be!!

By all reports, today was another Saturday of awesome curling and close games!!

Right now…. Most teams have one WIN  after two weeks of play!! Wowzas!

Today’s winners were :
Team Jackson over Team Dolan
Team Harris over Team Ledgerwood
Team Smith over Team Higgins
(Team Doherty and Team MacDonald unable to play today)

Last week’s winners were :
Team Dolan
Team Ledgerwood
Team Doherty
Team MacDonald

These Provincial-wide teams are getting some great games over these weeks before moving onto their Club, Provincial, and National events!

Come out and watch some awesome curling next week at 1:30 pm!!!

#PlaydayPayday  #CurlingClubLife #AWESOMECurling #Saturdaysat29CornwallRoad
Town of Cornwall PEI PEI Curling News Sport PEI Curling Canada

Post last modified: Oct 30, 2021 @ 6:37 pm

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