Board of Directors elects 2013-2014 slate of officers, committee chairs, and sets tentative dates for next season


The new Board of Directors of the Cornwall Curling Club had its first meeting tonight, and elected the following officers:

President: Paul Neima
Vice-President: Frank Martin
Secretary: Krista Affleck
Treasurer: Edgar Coffin
Past President: Bob Fowler

The following committee chairs were chosen:

Finance Committee: Edgar Coffin
Membership and Draws: Paula Ling
Publicity, Bylaws: Derek MacEwen
Facilities: Jeffrey Taylor
Bonspiels and Social: Krista Affleck, Carlene Peters
Fundraising: Joe MacKinnon and Leonard Gotell
Youth: Frank Martin
Seniors: Lew Black
Curl PEI representative: Paul Neima

Feel free to contact these Executive members with your questions, suggestions, and concerns!

Also tonight, a tentative calendar for next season was put together, with registration for returning adult and junior members on Oct. 9,  free curling instruction and new adult and junior members’ registration Oct. 15-17, with evening league curling starting Oct. 21.

Also in the plans are several Friday night “drop-in” spiels, open to all, tentatively Oct. 25 Nov. 29, and Jan. 3.

Tentative regular bonspiel dates for next season:
Kenmac Opening Spiel – Nov. 1-2
Jackson-Triggs Ladies Spiel – Nov 15-16
PEI Brewing Co. Spiel Jan 17-18
Club Dominion Playdowns Feb. 7-9
Countryview Golf Closing Spiel April 4-5 (perhaps with PEI Brewing Co. too)

A new league is planned for Thursday night (late draw) before the Dominion Playdowns to give a chance to those who don’t curl in the regular Tuesday and Wednesday team leagues (or those who do and want more ice time) to prepare their team for the Dominion.

Plans are to move the Junior instruction on Sundays to 4-6 pm, from the current 1-3 pm.

The next scheduled meeting of the new board is Tuesday Sept. 3 at 6 pm. Dates will be finalized at that time, a mailout to current Club members will be done that month, and the updated information will be posted to the Club website, Facebook and Twitter.

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