Bylaw change approved

Thanks to everyone who took the time to vote at our quick general meeting between the two draws this evening. We are pleased to report that our our bylaw change has passed, by a vote of 30 to 3, so, starting with Board members brought in at the Spring 2015 Anniial General Meeting, new Board members will serve a two year, not a three year, term.

Here are the revised bylaw clauses:

2.1.6             Each Director shall be elected for a term of two (2) years ending at the second annual meeting after the Directors’ election.

2.1.7             Each year,  Directors shall be elected to fill vacancies created by retiring Directors to achieve the full complement of 12 Directors.

2.1.8             No Director shall be eligible for election to more than two consecutive two-year terms.

2.1.11          Any Director may be removed before the expiration of the Director’s two-year term by an affirmative majority vote of the Directors present at any regular meeting of the Board or at a special meeting duly convened for that purpose. Another person may be elected by simple majority vote to hold office for the unexpired portion of the two-year term of the Director so removed.


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