Clarifying Registration – Leagues Costs

A few members have been confused by the new system so here’s a quick clarification.

Our membership structure remains the same as it has been for the past several years.  

The cost of those memberships can be found here:

The amount you see on those charts will be what you pay for your membership this year.

HOWEVER, you will simply register for the leagues you want to play in and the computer will AUTOMATICALLY give you the appropriate discount for your second, third, fourth, etc. leagues.  

All the adult leagues will say $270 in the Curling IO system – but WHEN ADDED TO YOUR CART they will be discounted appropriately

In the cart the first league will be $270, but the second league will be discounted by $190 automatically, the third by $210 automatically, and the fourth or beyond by 100 percent automatically. 

There are several videos available at 

The video labeled HOW TO REGISTER FOR A LEAGUE OR LEAGUES IN CURLING IO will be the most informative for returning members as it explains the changes.  

And as always, feel free to call, email, or come into the office to ask the club manager any questions or to assist in the registration process. 

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