Congratulations to Teams Schut and Lenentine on 2023 PEI Pepsi Juniors Wins

We are once again proud as a Club to congratulate members of our junior program for exciting wins – this time we congratulate Team Schut and Team Lenentine for winning the 2023 PEI Pepsi Junior Curling Championships.

Team Schut’s roster includes: Mitchell Schut, Chase MacMillan, Cruz Pineau, Liam Kelly, and Coach Pat Quilty.

Team Lenentine’s roster includes: Ella Lenentine, Makiya Noonan, Kacey Gauthier, Erika Pater, and Coach Robbie Lenentine.

The teams will now have the opportunity to represent PEI at Nationals in Quebec in March/April.  

Congratulations and good luck!

Post last modified: Jan 16, 2023 @ 6:38 pm

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