Cornwall members on all medal-winning teams at 55+ Games Stick Curling

Stick Winners

55+ Games Society Photo: 55+ Games Stick Curling Medallists and organizers

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Here are the medallists  from the Vogue Optical 55-Plus Games Stick Curling event, which wrapped up today here at the Cornwall Curling Club. All the medallists curl out of the host club, with the exception of the three-member Audrey Callaghan team, with two members from the Western club, and Marg Stewart from the Cornwall club.

55+ Open
GOLD- Vern Chowan & Grant Laird
SILVER- Gordie Hermann & Ernie Stavert
BRONZE- Stirling Stratton & Barry Craswell

55+ Women
GOLD- Ruth Stavert & Eileen Blanchard
SILVER- Mary Plamondon & Shirley Lank
BRONZE- Audrey Callaghan, Marg Stewart, & Francis Ellsworth

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