Cornwall’s Cameron MacKay team wins KFC 12 & Under boy’s section

The Cameron MacKay and Megan Ching rinks from the Cornwall Curling Club won the KFC Provincial Age 12 and Under Curling Championships, which wrapped up on Sunday at the Western Community Curling Club in Alberton.

Cameron MacKay rink

Photo (L-R) Audrey Callaghan (PEICA, and Western club), Cameron MacKay, Alexander MacKay,
Carter Worth, Avery Wells, coach Geoff Scutt (back row), Angus Davies from sponsor KFC.

MacKay, and his team of Alexander MacKay, Carter Worth, and Avery Wells, with coach Geoff Scutt,  beat the Alex MacFadyen rink from the Silver Fox by a 5-3 score in the final on Sunday afternoon, stealing the final two ends. Other members of the runner-up MacFadyen team are Matthew MacDonald, James Dalton, and Parker MacFadyen, with coach David MacFadyen. The MacKay rink beat the Owen Collier rink from Montague 5-3 in the semi-final, earlier on Sunday. Playing with Collier were John Campbell, Dawson Chatman, and Milo Ryan, with coaches Steve Ryan and Rachel Collier.

Collier, Devin Schut of Cornwall, and Dillon Vincent of Western, finished with 2-1 records in their pool, and advanced to the playoff round, with the winless Cameron Jenkins team from Charlottetown being eliminated. All three teams in the other pool, skipped by MacFadyen, MacKay, and Montague’s Brooks Roche, finished with 1-1 records and  advanced to the playoffs, with draw to the button rankings used to determine playoff placements.

In the crossovers between second and third place teams, MacKay edged Vincent 6-5, and Roche downed Schut 9-1. MacKay then went on to beat Roche 7-2 to advance to the semi-final. The two first place teams, skipped by MacFadyen and Collier, played off, with MacFadyen winning 8-3 to advance directly to the final, and Collier getting a second chance in the semi.

Megan Ching rink
Photo (L-R): Audrey Callaghan (PEI Curling Assoc. and Western club), Megan Ching,
Rachel O’Connor, Lauren Lenentine, Breanne Burgoyne, Sara MacRae (coach)

The girl’s division was decided Saturday evening, with the Cornwall Curling Club rink of Megan Ching, Rachel O’Connor, Lauren Lenentine, and Breanne Burgoyne, with coach Sara MacRae, taking only three ends to blank the Laura Gillis rink from the host Western Community Curling Club  by an 11-0 score in the  final. Other members of the runner-up Gillis foursome are Emma-Jean Griffin, Hailey Wilson, and Karlei Lewis, with coach Norma Jean Griffin.

The Gillis team edged out the third team in the competition, skipped by Crapaud’s Kayla Schut rink, 7-6 in an extra end in the semi-final. All three teams finished round robin play with identical 1-1 win-loss records, so draw to the button results were used to determine playoff rankings. Playing with Schut were Laurel Parsons, Kaleigh Peters-Ellis, and Sarah Parsons, with coaches Dario Zannier and Phyllis Stretch.

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