Cornwall’s Fullerton named CCA Jr. Athlete of the Week

Junior Athlete of the Week: Sarah Fullerton

(Canadian Curling Association) This week’s Junior Athlete of the Week is Sarah Fullerton of Cornwall, Prince Edward Island.

Sarah Fullerton

Birthdate: March 8, 1991
Birthplace: Charlottetown, P.E.I.
Hometown: Cornwall, P.E.I.
Curling Club: Cornwall Curling Club
Current Team: Team Fullerton
Position: Skip
Delivery: Right
Nickname: Fully

Getting to Know Sarah Fullerton

Sarah is building up quite a collection of Prince Edward Island honours over her young career. She claimed her first provincial curling title way back in 2003 when she captured the P.E.I. 11 and under title, and followed up three years later with a 15 and under title, and between 2006 and 2009, won three 17 and under crowns and finished second another time.

Fullerton also represented P.E.I. at the 2007 Canada Winter Games in Whitehorse, gaining her first taste of national-level competition. 

One of the up-and-coming stars on the Atlantic Canada curling scene, Fullerton was named her province’s Junior Female Athlete of the Year in 2009, and her team was named the province’s Team of the Year in 2008.

 Fullerton’s dream of curling at the M and M Meat Shops Canadian junior championships finally came true last December when she, Michelle McQuaid, Sara MacRae and Whitney Young, along with coach Brenda MacMillan, won the provincial junior championship, and went on to post a respectable 6-6 record to place sixth at the nationals in Trois-Rivieres, Que.

 Fullerton also gives back to the sport; she’s a Level 2 certified coach and has taught young curlers at her home club in Cornwall. And off the ice, she’s equally successful; in 2009, she won a variety of scholarships (PEI Mutual Education Trust Scholarship, UPEI Frederic S. Davison Scholarship and the 2009 UPEI Inspiring Excellence Entrance Scholarship), in addition to working for Parks Canada as a heritage presenter at Green Gables Heritage Place and Province House.


Click thumbnail to enlarge (Photo: Brennan Schnell) 

Click thumbnail to enlarge (Photo: Brennan Schnell) 

Click thumbnail to enlarge (Photo: Brennan Schnell) 

Quick Hits with Sarah Fullerton

 Do you have any superstitions?
“I’m not overly superstitious but I have a lucky charm that I always keep in the pocket of my curling jacket.”

 Three people, living or not, whom you would invite to a dinner party.
“Sandra Schmirler, Ellen Degeneres and Channing Tatum.”

 If you could be a star any other sport, what would it be, and why?
“I would want to be a freestyle skier! I think it would be so thrilling and I’ve been really interested in it ever since Alexandre Bilodeau won the first Olympic gold medal for Canada, at home, last winter!”

 If you could change any rule in curling, which one would it be, and why?
“It would be good to have a rule that if a rock picks you can re-throw it because it’s so unfortunate when your team or your opponent loses a good shot to a pick. It would also be fun to have a rule that rocks could hit the boards from the hogline in . . . that could get interesting!”

 What music do you like to listen to before a game?
“Anything with a good beat really or something motivating that will get me pumped up!”

— Website? “Facebook”
— Order from Tim Hortons? “Toasted cheddar cheese bagel with cream cheese and an apple juice!”
— Vacation destination? “I really want to go to Australia and Scotland someday.”
— Junk food? “Popcorn with butter and dill pickle seasoning!”

 Do you have any pet peeves?
“1. When people crack their knuckles or any other part of their body; 2. When people are late; 3. Complainers”

 Three things you always travel with?
“1. Cell; 2. iPod; 3. Mastercard”

 First thing on your Bucket List?

 Favourite pastime between draws at cashspiels?
“Checking Facebook, listening to music and snacking!”

 One thing most people don’t know about you?
“I’m scared of bats.”

 What is the biggest misconception about curlers?
“That we aren’t athletic.”

 Your ideal shot to win an Olympic gold medal:
“Open draw to the four-foot!”

Link to story at the CCA Website

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