Final draw set for “the Iceman” Wed. Daytime Team League

Here is the final round draw for the ”ICEMAN” Wednesday Senior Curling Draw. All games are at 1 pm.

February 24: Ice 1: Carol Sweetapple vs Lester Callbeck, Ice 2:  Ray Biagé vs Paul Durant, Ice 3: Roddie MacLean vs Diane MacKay, Ice 4: Tom Dunn vs Vern Chowan

March 10: Ice 1: Vern Chowan vs Ray Biagé, Ice 2: Lester Callbeck vs Roddie MacLean, Ice 3″ Tom Dunn vs Paul Durant, Ice 4: Carole Sweetapple vs Diane MacKay

March 3: No curling due to 55+ Games

March 17: No curling due to Maritime Stick Championships at Cornwall

March 24: Playoff round. Round robin results will determine placings.
Group A Teams 1 – 4.  Group B Teams 5 – 8.
Playoff Schedule:
Ice 1- Team1 vs Team 4: Ice 2 – Team 3 vs Team 4: Ice 3 – Team 5 vs Team 8: Ice 4 – Team 6 vs Team 7.

March 31:
Ice 1 – Loser Ice 1 vs Loser Ice 2: Ice 2 Winner Ice 1vs Winner Ice 2: Ice 3 – Winner Ice 3 vs Winner Ice 4: Ice 4: Loser Ice 3 vs Loser Ice 4.

Spares: Helen Smith, Karen Currie, Kimball Blanchard

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